Facemasks are coming back – as I warned two weeks ago
Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc
Facemasks are coming back. I warned it would happen after my book `Proof that Face Masks do More Harm than Good’ appeared to have been mysteriously banned from sale.
You can now download the book FREE on this website (www.vernoncoleman.com). Please see the ‘Essentials’ list at the top of the ‘News and Articles’ page to download the free book.
Please study it and tell everyone you know to read it.
Please also remember that my bestselling book `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here is the proof’ contains vital information about the long-standing, widely used vaccines such as those given for whooping cough, polio, flu etc. You can buy a copy via the bookshop on this website.
Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2024