Now they’re offering Doctor Assisted Suicide to Children

Dr Vernon Coleman

Euthanasia is now being offered to children. Naturally, the world being what it is these days, the authorities will not tell the parents of those children what is being planned. The parents will only know after the event. They’ll get an email. ‘You may have noticed that your 12-year-old son did not come home from school today. This is because he enrolled in our Suicide for Students programme and we helped him to kill himself this afternoon.’

How many children (and particularly teenagers) do not sometimes wish they were dead?

‘My boyfriend has broken up with me. I wish I were dead.’

‘I’ve been bullied on Facebook so much. I wish I were dead.’

‘No problem, here at the Justin Trudeau Let’s Kill the Children centre we can deal with that for you. Like Mr Trudeau himself, it’ll just be a little prick. Just put your satchel and your lollypop down, lie down and your problems are over forever. We’ll ring your mum and dad later and tell them that you won’t be coming home. They can collect your body from the Justin Trudeau Morgue.’

This extract is taken, with permission, from `They Want to Kill Us’ by Jack King which available as a paperback and an eBook on Amazon. Please ask your friends and relatives to read this important book.

Copyright Vernon Coleman April 2024
