Crossdressing: Save The World! Wear Black Stockings And A Lace Trimmed Camisole

Everyone should welcome crossdressing by men.

Men should welcome it because it will lead to longer, healthier lives and do away with the huge difference which now exists between male and female life expectation.

Women should welcome male crossdressing because as increasing numbers of men allow their softer, more feminine selves to emerge so those men will become less dominant, less aggressive, less demanding, less competitive and less oppressive. Women will then feel less need to show those masculine qualities in order to compete with men.

It is widely acknowledged that it is male aggressiveness which so often leads to war. The tragedy for our world is that modern women are being encouraged to develop and expand their own once hidden aggressiveness, while modern men are still encouraged to further suppress their own inherent femininity.

If society continues as it is at the moment male life expectation will continue to fall as the pressure and stress on men continues to grow in our increasingly competitive society. But female life expectation will also start to fall as more and more women allow and encourage the aggressive, masculine aspects of their own personality to emerge and push aside their feminine selves.

And that is the true tragedy of the liberation of women: the fact that instead of merely adding aspects of masculinity to their lives many have allowed their new found masculinity to take over completely. Instead of adding aggression, power, ambition, exploitation, domination, prestige, control and other masculine manifestations of life to tenderness, playfulness, peacefulness, sensitivity, gentleness, understanding love, concern and compassion (and other aspects of femininity) many women seem to have replaced the latter group of qualities almost entirely with the former.

These days many women hardly ever dress as women; they wear the male clothes that typify power and aggression and eschew the feminine clothes which symbolise softness and femininity. They dress in jeans and jumpers to work in the garden and they dress in `power' suits to impress at the office. They talk like men, swear like men, drink like men and behave like men. In many households the female partner plays a more masculine role than the male; she `wears the pants' (both literally and figuratively), controls the family, looks after the finances and makes all the major decisions.

The world is becoming increasingly masculine and decreasingly feminine; our single sex future world will be exclusively `male'. It is hardly surprising that the incidence of war, aggression, stress and depression are all rising fast. We cannot easily change our sex: it is determined by genetics, by anatomy and by physiology. And the majority of transvestites have absolutely no wish to change their sex: they are perfectly happy and content to be male. They do, however, want to be given the opportunity to escape from their masculinity occasionally, to escape from being stereotypically male (and the responsibilities, requirements and limitations which are associated with being exclusively male) and from the need constantly to perform and achieve. They also want to have the opportunity to express their inherent femininity.

Crossdressing is an essential part of the liberation and emancipation of the male. The man who dresses in the sort of clothes normally associated with women is likely to be better integrated into society, more at peace with himself, less at war with the world and a happier, healthier and more complete human being.

The rest of society may regard the crossdresser as an `unfortunate' being but in truth the crossdresser is a very `fortunate' being - it is the part of society which does not yet understand which is `unfortunate'.


During the twentieth century women have fought for and won the right to express all aspects of their personality - both male and female. It is now the turn of men to win similar rights for themselves.

The increase in the incidence of stress related diseases among men, and the disparity in longevity between the two sexes, is adequate proof that it is now desperately important for men to make an effort to get in touch with their femininity.

I hope that the fortunate androgynous citizen of the future will be able to show both male and female characteristics without embarrassment, shame or guilt. More crossdressing by men will mean that male life expectation will rise to meet female life expectation.

Is it too much to hope that women, seeing men liberate themselves from their masculinity, will make an effort to readopt some of the femininity which they have been in danger of losing in recent years?

Who could possibly complain about that? Doesn't the world need more love, compassion, tenderness and gentleness and less power, less aggression and less of all those other harsh, competitive, cruel male qualities?

If the gentler, more compassionate human qualities had not been labelled `feminine', and regarded as odd when exhibited by a male, the world would be a happier place; with less aggression, less war, less fighting and less distress.

Men should not be ashamed to show their female qualities; they should not be reluctant to let their emotions show, to ask for help and support and to combine traditional male toughness with the soft, gentle qualities which are hidden deep inside.And women should do their best to encourage their men to show their femininity.

There are many practical ways in which men can let their soft, feminine nature surface. They can learn to share their fears and admit to their vulnerability; sharing fears often diminishes them. They can learn to listen to their instincts more often, and they can learn to share their feelings with their friends (in just the same way that women often do). They can show their hurt, rather than burying it in deep, dark, inaccessible places where it can grow in undiscovered, unexpected silence. They can let people see their compassionate side. Men should not be shy about letting people know that they care.

But it isn't always easy to do these things when you've spent decades doing the opposite - and struggling to maintain a stiff upper lip in any moment of c8risis or difficulty.

And that is why increasing numbers of men are finding that there is a short cut; by dressing in women's clothes they can liberate their feminine, gentle side - and (temporarily at least) escape from their aggressive, ambitious, demanding masculine selves.

Some individuals describe crossdressing as a need or an addiction but I think that is an exaggeration; crossdressing is best categorised in psychological terms as a want rather than a need. It is the desire to escape from the demands of being exclusively male, and escape into the comparative (albeit temporary) delights of being partly female, which is the need. The clothes merely project the image that the crossdresser is attempting to portray; they are a means to an end. Wearing female clothes is merely an outward manifestation of an inner need. The crossdresser is play-acting; creating an imitation woman in order to free and release an essential part of his own personality.

If the crossdresser is regarded as something of a freak that is the fault of the observer for the crossdresser is, in reality, a well balanced male who has recognised, and is learning to take advantage of, all aspects of his personality. It is not a `serious' medical condition (in fact it is not a medical condition at all) and it requires no treatment.

I hope that men under pressure who have never before dreamt of trying on a dress or a slip may feel encouraged to try crossdressing for themselves. Crossdressing is the least harmful stress reliever I know of. What is there to be a lost? A few moments of feeling rather silly and a nervous laugh or two? Crossdressing is a stress solvent with no real side effects of which to be frightened.

Copyright Vernon Coleman
