Dementia is not the same as Alzheimer’s

Dr Vernon Coleman

Publicity for a new drug treatment for Alzheimer’s means that many in the mainstream media are again confused about dementia.

Because they get their information from drug companies, mainstream media journalists frequently make huge errors when writing or talking about medicine, diseases and drugs.

There are said to be 50 million people suffering from dementia worldwide. Half of all the patients admitted to nursing homes are said to be suffering from dementia.

But wrongly, the default diagnosis for dementia sufferers is Alzheimer’s.

Even the NHS has provided inaccurate information about dementia.

It is a lie to say that dementia cannot be cured.

In my book `The Dementia Myth’ I point out that at least half the patients with dementia could be cured in a week or two. There are other important causes of dementia as well as Alzheimer’s.

My book `The Dementia Myth’ is available via the bookshops on and

I think you will find it helpful if anyone you know is suffering from dementia.

Copyright Vernon Coleman November 2022
