Social Credit: Forcing us into a Dystopian Digital World

Dr Vernon Coleman

Social credit is leading us straight into the sort of world predicted by Orwell and Huxley.

Your body, your mind, your spirit and everything you once thought you owned will belong to the conspirators and their world state. Social credit, promoted by the WEF, the UN, the WHO and a bunch of independent, unelected billionaires, is the finale.

A few years ago, in a book called ‘The Game’s Afoot’ I wrote that the Chinese Government was giving people marks according to behaviour. It was, I wrote, called ‘social credit’, and citizens were being ranked and rated.

‘The Government,’ I warned, ‘will measure people’s behaviour in order to decide what services they are entitled to access.’

And so it has come to pass.

We are entering a world of digital dictatorship, total surveillance and trans-humanism.

Politicians, journalists, social scientists, masochists and communists talk about social credit as if it were a ‘good thing’.

‘I don’t know what all the fuss is about,’ said one. ‘If you behave yourself it will be a good thing.’

Well, if you are a fan of totalitarianism or communism then I suppose social credit is a good thing.

Social credit is a scheme designed to enable governments to control their citizens. Every new law and rule ties into the social credit system.

Take a look at precisely how social credit has operated in China since 2014.

Social credit ratings are measured with a simple points system. Citizens start off with, say, 1,000 points and then lose points if they ‘misbehave’.

Information about every individual is collected together from all possible sources – schools, workplaces, banks, doctors’ surgeries, hospitals, police, courts, libraries, supermarkets, internet platforms, travel companies, closed circuit television cameras (usually facial recognition software) and so on.

Supermarket cameras and credit card computers watch to see how much you spend on alcohol, cigarettes, sweets and fatty foods.

The goal is to provide the Government with a general assessment of each individual citizen’s trustworthiness.

‘Good’ citizens are allowed to travel, use a public library, rent bicycles, borrow money, send their children to better schools, obtain better quality of health care and get better jobs.

Buying green vegetables, sensible clothing and nappies will boost a citizen’s rating. Buy sensible work shoes with good soles and your rating will rise. Those who praise the Government will see their rating improve.

‘Bad’ citizens, who are rebellious, deceitful or disobedient are denied access to travel, hotels, restaurants, good schools, good hospitals and good jobs. ‘Bad’ citizens may be banned from entering shopping malls or food stores and denied access to food.

Buying chocolates, alcohol or frivolous clothing will damage your rating as will playing games on the internet.

Citizens who fail to visit their parents regularly are punished as are jaywalkers, those who smoke in non-smoking zones and those who walk a dog without putting it on a lead. Not sorting your personal waste properly is a sin as is swearing in public. Reporting friends, relatives and neighbours for using bad language will win you points. All internet data (including searches) is used to compile social credit ratings. Players who cheat in online video games are punished. If you miss recommended tests or jabs you’ll be punished.

By 2019, 23 million people in China had been blacklisted from travelling by train or aeroplane because they had low social credit ratings. Students are prevented from attending schools or universities if one parent has a poor score. Employers are encouraged to consult blacklists before hiring new employees or handing out contracts.

Some years ago I wrote a weekly column in a large circulation Chinese newspaper. One week I wrote a column criticising vaccination. I was sacked within hours of the column appearing. And a couple of days later, I received an email from my Chinese publisher telling me that my books (several of which were long-term best-sellers) had been banned. No other publisher in China was allowed to publish any of my books.

The Chinese social credit system requires citizens to carry smart phones which are equipped with apps connecting them to a central bureaucracy.

Smart TVs, computers, iPads, cell phones and so on also collect data by recording conversations, movements and user activity. Video games use facial recognition software.

Social credit schemes are now being developed worldwide.

New Zealanders who go to Australia are entitled to live and work there for life unless they fail a ‘good character’ test in which case they will be deported. The good character test is decided entirely at the discretion of officials.

In Bologna, Italy, the authorities have introduced a ‘smart citizens’ wallet’. Holders receive digital points to obtain discounts for virtuous behaviour.

Ukraine has set up a social credit App combining universal basic income, digital ID and a vaccine passport in a single App.

In France, President Macron introduced a Digital Identity Guarantee.

In Canada, the Government has a new advisory group to enforce censorship and to regulate what they decide is harmful content. The Government has sole authority to decide what can be regarded as a conspiracy theory. Sequestration powers enable the Government to take your money out of your bank account.

In Vienna, Austria, every citizen will be offered an App which will reward good behaviour with ‘Vienna Tokens’. The plan is to turn Vienna into a smart city with data replacing money as the city’s currency. In future all decisions will be made by artificial intelligence so that there will be no need for elections.

In Germany, citizens have a SCHUFA score which is necessary for buying or renting a house or receiving goods on credit. The system tracks each citizen’s entire credit history. Someone who lives in a poor area, or has low scoring neighbours, will find that their score is lowered.

In Russia, by 2025, four out of five Russians will have been given a ‘personal development trajectory’ – a digital file which will contain every achievement in a person’s life – ‘the misses, mistakes, big projects’. The aim is to digitalise the Russian economy.

In Zimbabwe ‘people who peddle information deemed false by the Government face up to 20 years in prison, a hefty fine or both.’ In Thailand, the Government warned that ‘anybody joking about the virus could face up to five years prison time’.

In Holland, a bank links customer spending habits with their CO2 emissions.

Denmark developed a covid-19 digital passport so that Danish nationals can travel freely around the world.

In Ireland, the Government has stated that The State ‘shall delimit the right to private property where it is necessary to ensure the common good’.

Iran has introduced digital food rationing based on biometric IDs.

In Wales, selected citizens will be given £20,000 a year. They will be allowed to keep the money on top of anything they choose to earn. This is a generous version of Universal Basic Income.

India has a program known as ‘Aadhaar’ which means that each resident has a 12 digit number. Each individual has their fingerprints and iris scans stored.

In the US, anyone questioning what the Government says about covid is officially an ‘extremist’.

International Monetary Fund researchers have called for internet search history to be tied to credit scores.

In the UK, the Government has a ‘nudge unit’ which exists to create fear and shame and promote group think. Councils warn homeowners that ‘failing to register (to vote) can have a negative impact on your credit score’. The UK Digital Identity and Attitudes Trust Framework, part of the nationwide digital ID push, enables citizens to prove their ID using digital methods.

The UK Government has a new App to monitor shopping habits and encourage healthy eating. Cinemas are planning digital ID cards for children.

In 2020, when most people were wondering if they dared nip out to the shop to buy a can of beans, and wondering if it would be legal to buy a loaf of bread as well, the UK Government quietly published ‘Evidence and Scenarios for Global Data Systems – the Future of Citizens Data Systems’.

Your local council checks your recycling. Owners of old cars are fined or denied access to city centres.

Life for the ‘good citizens’ will be just like life in the USSR and China. It will be like life in a giant prison camp. ‘Good’ citizens will be entitled to buy cheap food, rent cheap apartments, take cheap holidays and get jobs with light work. They will be entitled to free education for their children and free medical care too. All this in exchange for freedom, independence and free will.

The world of social credit gets absolutely everywhere; it’s more intrusive and tougher to remove than hogweed.

You probably think I’m making this up. I wish I were but I’m not.

The old and the sick and the overweight will lose points.

Eating on public transport, missing a medical appointment, parking in the wrong place, missing a job interview and jaywalking will all lose you points.

This is the technocratic state in full flow.

There are public loos in China which won’t let you in without first checking your face and identifying you. Only then will the machine dispense the small quantity of loo paper you are allowed.

Social credit means a dystopian, digital world where you can forget about privacy, freedom or rights.

Good behaviour will be rewarded and bad behaviour punished.

But who defines what is good and what is bad?

Adapted from `Social Credit: Nightmare on Your Street’ by Vernon Coleman

Copyright Vernon Coleman July 2022

Vernon Coleman’s book `Social Credit: Nightmare on your Street’ is available as a paperback and a hardcover book. It can be purchased via the Books section on
