Most Painkiller Users Don’t Become Addicts
Dr Vernon Coleman
The mainstream media has published claims that people who take opioid pain killers are much at risk of becoming addicted.
This is nonsense.
A new study of 148 pieces of research (involving 4.3 million adult chronic pain sufferers) showed that less 1 in 10 developed dependence or opioid use disorder.
And I believe that even that figure is too high.
The Faculty of Pain Medicine at the Royal College of Anaethetists says: `It is rare for people in pain to become addicted to opioids.’
Problems arise when patients are given painkillers which they don’t really need. And often patients aren’t told how to take their painkillers.
So why all the scary publicity?
I fear that the media scares are being used as an excuse for doctors to prescribe fewer painkillers. The scares are also being used to reduce palliative care and to promote euthanasia.
For the scary truth about euthanasia, please read Jack King’s extraordinary book which is entitled `They Want to Kill Us: Here’s How and Why’. CLICK HERE if you would like to buy this book.
And if you want to know more about pain control please read my book `Natural Pain Control’ which is available from the bookshop on To buy a copy CLICK HERE
Copyright Vernon Coleman August 2024