How Greens Will Destroy The World

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

The mad Greens and other proponents of the myth of climate change (nee global warming) say that the oil in the ground (or under the sea) will have to stay there. They want to stop us using oil, gas, coal and uranium. They want us to get all our energy from renewables such as solar and wind power and through their power in the EU they are forcing through policies which fit with these aims.

Presumably, the mad Greens want to fly to their regular climate change conferences by solar powered jet and to use solar power to charge their websites and their laptops.

They want the big oil companies to go bust, and because of the political pressure they’ve exerted, numerous investment and pension companies are refusing to invest in oil companies.

This is lunacy and if I had a pension with a company which bowed to these loony activists I would withdraw my money immediately.

The plan is clearly to destroy oil and coal companies, and their shareholders. It obviously has not yet occurred to the Greens around the world that without coal and oil there won’t be enough electricity for their little diesel powered electric cars as well as their coal fired laptops.

(I discovered, by the way, that people in electric or low emission cars are far less likely to stop at zebra crossings than are people driving petrol or diesel engine cars. The drivers of electric cars are, it seems, so bloody pleased with themselves that they feel they can treat everyone else with disdain and contempt.)

The nutters are wrong for a number of reasons.

First, the climate change silliness has been developing for well over a century. The campaigners like to think they invented it but pseudo-scientists have been putting forward the theory that greenhouse gases could change the climate since the 19th century. Only the converts (the pseudoscientists who see the whole business as a way to become rich and famous) think the evidence is convincing. Independent scientists admit that there is no genuine evidence that the earth is heating up. (I was taken in during the 1970s and 1980s but I no longer accept the dubious evidence as honest.) Moreover, even if the earth were getting hotter, there is no way to know if this could be caused by burning fossil fuels.

Second, the alternatives to fossil fuels are frighteningly inefficient. For example, it takes more energy to make a windmill than the windmill will ever produce. So, the more windmills we produce the more energy we waste. Wind farms and solar farms are examples of entirely pointless rural vandalism; tributes to the self-serving sanctimoniousness and rank hypocrisy of an ignorant generation.

Third, the clever alternatives to oil and the internal combustion engine are also silly. Using food to make fuel (the biofuels nonsense) exacerbated the starvation problem and the Greens have condemned hundreds of thousands to death by campaigning for yet more food to be turned into fuel for rich people.

Fourth, electricity, though very nice and useful stuff, only provides about 20% of our energy needs. The other 80% comes from nasty old gas, oil, coal and nuclear power. And it is nigh on impossible to increase that proportion. It’s impossible to power ships and aeroplanes with electricity.

Fifth, an awful lot of people rely on gas for their central heating and cooking. If all those people are forced to use electricity for heating and cooking then there is going to be a great shortage of electricity because we are already using up every drop of the stuff that we can make.

Sixth, renewables such as solar energy and wind power provide only a tiny portion of our current electricity needs. We would need to carpet the countryside with solar farms and wind farms to increase that proportion significantly. And without subsidies (paid by consumers to rich landowners) the electricity produced would be horrifically expensive.

Seventh, (and this is a real heartbreaker for the Greens), maintaining windmills and solar panels requires more energy than the windmills and solar panels actually produce. The much loved renewables are actually a negative source of electricity. For example, when there is no wind the windmills have to be turned by electricity to stop them seizing up.

Eighth, there is no evidence that it is a bad thing if the earth is getting hotter. Rising tides would be bad for people with beachfront properties in some parts of the world. But if there is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere there will probably be more plants on the planet and then there will be less starvation. Surely we can all agree that would be a good thing?

Ninth, all the bizarre taxes forced upon by the European Union are costing a fortune. Because of subsidies paid to rich farmers operating wind farms and solar farms, ordinary people are having to pay more for their heating and many thousands more are dying in the cold weather. Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Finally, since renewables only produce electricity we will have to survive on a source of energy which provides just 20% of our current needs. (You can’t make oil or gas from windmills or solar panels).

And since renewables only provide a quarter of our electricity we will have to survive on just 5% of the energy we use at the moment.

This is a bit of a problem because we can hardly cope on the energy supply we have now.

So, the bottom line is that we can only cope with the Green’s demands if we give up: all forms of powered transport (including cars, planes and ships); all forms of entertainment which require electricity (eg television, radio, computers, mobile phones, etc); all forms of heating; all factories which make things; all mechanised farming and all fertilisers; all hospitals, medical treatments and all drug production.

Of course, the real bummer is that the 5% of our energy which we have left will be needed to maintain and service our solar panels and our windmills.

If there is any energy left over we may be able to boil a kettle and make a cup of hot water, though there won’t be any tea leaves, milk or sugar to put in the hot water.

Welcome to the Green World.

If the Greens have their way our planet will plunge into the biggest war of all time. The survivors will be those countries which retain fossil fuels and use them to manufacture armaments and to make and fuel bombers and tanks. The citizens of countries which decide unilaterally to rely on renewables will die. The good news is that our inability to use tractors and fertilisers will mean that most of us will starve to death, so we won’t mind too much.

All this is unfashionable but it is quite accurate.

To learn more facts about climate change, please read Greta's Homework The subtitle is: 101 Truths About Climate Change that Everyone Should Read (Especially Hysterical, Hypocritical Mythmakers) by Zina Cohen. It's on Amazon as a paperback and an ebook.

Copyright Vernon Coleman 2020 Taken from 'Tickety Tonk', the 7th diary in Vernon Coleman's series of diaries.
