Vaccination: Ignore
Dr Wakefield And Ignore Channel 4. Read the hard facts
Should You Have Your Child
Vaccinated? Who Should You Believe About Vaccination? The Government? The Drug
Companies? The Medical Establishment? Television?
For over thirty
years I have been warning about the potential problems associated with vaccines.
I have, during that time, provided a considerable amount of proof showing that
vaccination programmes often do more harm than good. I have no vested interest
for or against vaccines. I don't receive money from drug companies. I don't sell
alternatives to vaccines. All I have to tell you is the truth. And what you read
here won't cost you a penny.
The most significant known fact about
vaccines is that they can cause brain damage. And they can kill.
isn't theory or supposition. It is fact.
Since the late 1970s the British
Government has quietly handed out tens of thousands of pounds in damages to
parents of children suffering from brain damage caused by vaccines.
believe, and have believed for many years, that autism is also caused by
I believe that the epidemiological evidence supports this
hypothesis. The number of children being diagnosed as suffering from autism has
rocketed as the number of children being vaccinated has rocketed.
vaccines are known to cause brain damage isn't it logical to assume that they
can also cause autism?
In November 2004, Channel 4 broadcast a programme
which seemed designed to discredit a doctor who claimed in the late 1990s that
the MMR vaccine might cause autism. I never had much faith in that particular
doctor's theories. And never reported his findings.
But it seemed to me
that Channel 4 was implying that he and his colleagues were the only doctors
promoting a link between vaccination and autism.
(Those who saw the Channel 4 programme and who also share my
dislike of animal experiments may have noticed that one of the doctors who
seemed critical of Dr Wakefield's work commented that his work involved animals.
`What has that to do with humans?' he asked. Ah yes. What a good question. What
Channel 4 forgot to mention is that just about all basic research work on
vaccines is done on animals. Vaccines are tested on animals. Channel 4, like
drug companies, seems happy with animal experiments when they are useful but
equally happy to dismiss them when it is convenient to do so.)
I have
been suggesting that there might be a link between autism and vaccination for
No one has yet discredited my theories.
Some viewers of
the Channel 4 programme might well have assumed that if that particular doctor's
theories were wrong then there is not, and cannot be, any link between
vaccination and autism.
What nonsense.
The whole programme seemed
to me to be nothing more than a piece of Government propaganda.
What a
Yet again British television supports the
For decades I have been arguing that vaccines may do more
harm than good.
The evidence shows that diseases said to have been
conquered by vaccines were in fact often controlled by other means long before
vaccines were introduced. There is no doubt that vaccines can cause brain damage
- and many other problems. I have for many years believed and argued that autism
is one of the consequences of vaccination.
As the years have gone by, the number of
vaccines available has increased steadily. Modern American children receive
around thirty vaccinations by the time they go to school.
A decade or two
ago the only vaccines available were against a relatively small number of
diseases including smallpox, tuberculosis, polio, cholera, diphtheria, tetanus
and whooping cough. Today, the number of available vaccines seems to grow almost
daily. In the past, vaccines were produced against major killer diseases. Today
vaccines are produced against diseases such as measles, mumps and chickenpox
which have been traditionally regarded as relatively benign inconveniences of
In the UK the death rate from measles had dropped dramatically
decades before the vaccine was introduced. Today, despite (or, perhaps, because
of?) the widespread use of the vaccine, the incidence of measles is rising
In attempts to persuade parents to have their children vaccinated
against measles, governments and doctors around the world have thought up an
apparently unending - and hysterical - series of scare campaigns. Now that there
is a vaccine against it measles has, by a strange coincidence, stopped being an
annoying childhood disease and has, instead, become a deadly
Scares often consist of claiming that a major epidemic is just
around the corner and that only vaccination can offer protection. I have lost
count of the number of whooping cough epidemics which governments have wrongly
forecast. Governments and their advisers are either unbelievably stupid or else
they are deliberately lying to help boost drug company profits.
course, countless scientists around the world have spent vast fortunes trying to
create a vaccine against AIDS (in view of the fact that AIDS may not exist they
may find this trickier than expected).
And scientists have apparently
developed a banana vaccine by creating genetically engineered banana plants.
There are plans to develop bananas which `protect' against hepatitis B, measles,
yellow fever and poliomyelitis.
Other scientists have developed a
genetically engineered potato which it may be possible to use as a vaccine
against cholera. The active part of the potato remains active during the process
of cooking and so a portion of genetically engineered chips could soon be a
vaccine against cholera. (I am not making this up.)
Naturally, the
pharmaceutical industry is constantly searching for more and more new vaccines.
I have lost count of the number of times I have read of researchers working on a
vaccine to prevent cancer. Every year new flu jabs appear on the market. There
are, so I am told, vaccines in the pipeline for just about everything ranging
from asthma to earache. There is a planned genetically engineered vaccine which
will provide protection against forty different diseases. The vaccine, which
will contain the raw DNA of all those different diseases, will be given to
newborn babies to provide them with protection for life. Oh, goody.
don't know about you but I can no longer keep up with what is going on. I have
long since given up trying to work out which vaccines are very dangerous and
which are just a bit dangerous - and to whom.
Nor can I keep up with
which vaccines might work a bit and which don't seem to do much good at all.
Does anyone know what the hell happens inside the body when all these different
vaccinations are given together? Do different vaccines work with or against one
another? What about the risk of interactions? Exactly how does the immune system
cope when it is suddenly bombarded with so much foreign material?
I am an
enthusiastic supporter of the principle of preventive medicine. It is usually
much easier to avoid an illness than it is to treat one.
programmes are usually sold to the public as though they are an integral part of
a general preventive medicine programme.
But over the years I have
steadily come around to the view that vaccination programmes cannot truly be
described as preventive medicine but are, rather, a part of the interventionist
approach to medical care.
I have for decades argued that some
vaccines may be unnecessary and/or even potentially dangerous in some
circumstances, and may sometimes be promoted too enthusiastically by both
politicians and doctors.
Vaccinations have been linked to a number of
general health problems. It now seems possible, for example, that individuals
who receive vaccinations may be more prone to develop diabetes, allergies (such
as asthma), eczema and bowel disease (such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The
explanation - which makes sense to me - is that vaccinations interfere with the
immune system and make the recipients more susceptible to disease. It has also
been suggested that vaccinations may be the explanation for the mystery problem
`cot death'. And it now seems that in cases where parents (and others) have been
accused of murdering their children by shaking them or in some other way abusing
them the real culprit may well have been a vaccine. Brain swelling, intracranial
bleeding and other symptoms of `shaken baby syndrome' can all be produced by
vaccines. However, this isn't widely known - perhaps because doctors and drug
companies would rather that unfortunate parents took the blame for these deaths.
Incidentally, vaccination damage can occur weeks, months or years after a
Vaccines have to be developed using living systems. They
are, therefore, usually cultivated in material taken from animals - in cell
cultures, in fertilised hen's eggs or in the blood of infected animals. Tissues
which are used include brain tissue from rabbits, kidney tissue from dogs,
rabbits and monkeys, protein from hen's or duck's eggs, blood from horses or
pigs. This system can, of course, be dangerous since cell cultures may be
contaminated (as was the case with the polio vaccine made with monkey tissue).
Some vaccines have been prepared using bovine serum and it now appears that
during the early 1990s an unknown number of British children received
vaccinations which may have been prepared using material from British cattle
which could have been infected with BSE.
Naturally, no one knows the size
of the risk that was taken at the time (though it seems that the British
Government was warned of the hazard).
And no one is likely to know the
size of any problem resulting from this for at least a decade. This is yet
another piece of powerful evidence supporting those who are opposed to mass
vaccination programmes.
(It is perhaps relevant to point out that
vaccines also often contain additives. Antibiotics may be added to dampen down
the immune system response. And stabilisers of various kinds may also be
Evidence that vaccines may do more harm than good is
supported by experiences with animals. Between 1968 and 1988 there were
considerably more outbreaks of foot and mouth disease in countries where
vaccination against foot and mouth disease was compulsory than in countries
where there were no such regulations. Epidemics always started in countries
where vaccination was compulsory. This experience clearly shows that the alleged
advantage to the community of vaccinating individuals simply does not
Similar observations were made about the hyena dog, which was, in
1989, threatened with extinction. Scientists vaccinated individual animals to
protect them against rabies but more than a dozen packs then died within a year
- of rabies. This happened even in areas where rabies had never been seen
before. When researchers tried using a non-infectious form of the pathogen (to
prevent the deaths of the remaining animals) all members of seven packs of dogs
disappeared. And yet the rabies vaccine is now compulsory in many parts of the
world. Is it not possible that it is the vaccine which is keeping this disease
Those who eat meat should be aware that cattle (and other animals
reared for slaughter) are regularly vaccinated. The meat that is taken from
those animals may, therefore, contain vaccine residues in addition to hormones,
antibiotics and other drugs.
Tragically, many doctors seem to know very
little about the vaccines they advocate. In my view, if a doctor wants to
vaccinate you or a member of your family you should insist that he confirm in
writing that the vaccine is both entirely safe and absolutely essential. You may
notice his enthusiasm for the vaccine suddenly diminish.
Despite all
this evidence, vaccines for children and adults are compulsory in some
countries. In other countries (such as the UK) doctors are given a financial
bonus as a reward when they `sell' vaccination to a large proportion of their
As more and more people become wary about vaccines so it is
likely that more and more countries will make vaccination compulsory.
Copyright Vernon Coleman 2004
For more about vaccines
see Vernon Coleman's article `Vaccines - Do They Work And Are They Safe' on this
website. See also his book Superbody which is available from the shop on
this website, from other websites and from good terrestrial bookshops and
libraries. Many of Vernon Coleman's other books (such as The Medicine
Men, Paper Doctors, The Health Scandal and Betrayal of
Trust) may be available second hand or through libraries. His book How To
Stop Your Doctor Killing You is also available from this website.