An epidemic of medical errors

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

There has, quite rightly, been a big fuss in the UK about the thousands of people who were given infected blood and who either became seriously ill or died.

The assumption seems to be that this was a one-off disaster. A terrible accident.

It wasn’t a one off disaster. It was just one of a long, never-ending series of disasters – some of them a result of incompetence, some a result of ignorance, some a result of laziness and some a result of corruption.

The medical establishment always gives the impression that it is right about everything. And journalists always assume that the medical establishment is always right because it is, well, the medical establishment.

But the evidence proves quite firmly that the medical establishment is nearly always wrong – until it is forced by circumstances or by campaigners to change its view.

Thanks to the egregious made by the medical establishment (some of which I will list in a moment) doctors now kill or injure more people than cancer or heart disease or infections. Thanks to the medical establishment, one in six hospital beds are occupied by patients who have been made ill by doctors. And four out of every ten patients who receive a prescription drug suffer serious and sometimes lethal side effects.

Those of who prefer to look at scientific evidence, rather than merely accepting decisions handed down by the pharmaceutical industry and passed on by the medical establishment, are dismissed as renegades and abused as discredited by people who arrogantly assume that they know everything and are always right because they’re who they are.

This isn’t an essay about individual errors (prescribing the wrong drug or the wrong dosage, cutting off the wrong limb, leaving surgical equipment inside a patient’s abdomen) and it isn’t about medical corruption (fiddling or suppressing research results to please a drug company) or eccentricities (such as the GP who told his patients that he could cure their problems by buggering them, and promptly did so).

This is an essay showing that the medical establishment makes a lot of big errors and is, indeed, wrong more often than it is right.

The medical establishment (and its enthusiastic and uncritical supporters in the mainstream media) recklessly promoted and defended the experimental covid-19 vaccines, even after the vaccines had been proved not to work but to be responsible for numerous serious side effects and many deaths.

The doctors and journalists who believe that the medical establishment is always right stood firm in their arrogant certainty (a certainty based on ignorance, arrogance and prejudice) even as the evidence accumulated showing that they were wrong and that the covid-19 vaccines were doing a great deal of harm and no good at all.

The willingness to support and defend the pharmaceutical industry’s reckless claims is bizarre since a little research would prove that the medical establishment is wrong more often than it is right. Moreover, it can easily be shown that the medical establishment is particularly likely to be wrong when it promotes a new remedy or a new diagnosis or a new treatment with uncritical and exceptional enthusiasm, while criticising anyone who dares to murmur any criticism. In addition, the members of the medical establishment will remain fixed in their collective ignorance and will never, ever debate or discuss their views with those who dare to question their certainty.

Here then are just some of the many instances when the medical establishment got it wrong:

For centuries the medical establishment built all its knowledge and assumptions upon Galen’s work. The problem was that Galen based all his conclusions on the anatomy of the pig rather than the anatomy of the human body.

Doctors used to believe that blood-letting was a universal panacea. They used leeches and scarifying to remove blood from weak patients and invariably hastened their deaths.

For centuries doctors used purgatives as another universal remedy. Sadly, the purgatives they used with such enthusiasm did no good and a great deal of damage.

Doctors used to treat cancer by giving patients grey lizards to swallow.

Cyanide, mercury and arsenic were all routinely used as medicaments – often with fatal results.

The medical establishment refused to accept that scurvy was caused by a lack of vitamin C until they were forced to accept the link by James Lind.

The medical establishment used to argue that smoking was healthy – and was particularly useful in the treatment of chest troubles.

The medical establishment’s approach to nursing and hospital management resulted in a 42% mortality rate in the hospital at Scutari. After Florence Nightingale arrived, and shocked the establishment with her methods, the death rate fell to 2%.

Until nitrous oxide was used as an anaesthetic, doctors used to give their patients alcohol before performing operations.

The medical establishment promoted barbiturates and safe and effective – until doctors were forced to accept that barbiturates were dangerously addictive. (Before the barbiturates they claimed that bromide was safe – and were wrong about that. After the barbiturates they claimed that the benzodiazepines were safe – and were wrong about that.)

Doctors routinely prescribe anti-depressants despite the existence of a mass of evidence showing that they don’t work.

The medical establishment approved of electric shock therapy. And then it was found that electric shock therapy was useless and dangerous.

The medical establishment used to promote the removal of yards of intestine. And then they found it was dangerous. Today, surgeons remove healthy sections of intestinal tract to `help’ slimmers, and remove perfectly healthy breasts to prevent breast cancer.

The medical establishment supports psychiatry and psychotherapy, despite the evidence showing that talking to a hairdresser or barman is more likely to be useful than talking to a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist. Similarly, behaviour therapy used to be popular. Until it wasn’t.

Heart surgery (particularly bypass surgery) used to be considered essential for patients with heart disease. It has now been shown that most of the time it does more harm than good.

The medical establishment used to promote brain destructive surgery (such as front lobotomies) until it was shown that these did massive harm.

The medical establishment favoured the use of Intensive Care Units and Coronary Care Units but these were shown to cause massive stress in vulnerable patients.

Doctors used to prescribe amphetamines for weight loss until the amphetamines were shown to be dangerous.

Thalidomide was approved and promoted by the medical establishment.

Doctors ignored hygiene in the operating ward and the delivery room until they were forced to change their working methods by doctors such as Wendell Holmes, Semmelweis and Lister.

Doctors enthusiastically prescribed massive quantities of drugs such as Opren, Distalgesic, phenylbutazone and practolol until they were shown to cause serious side effects.

Doctors used to give patients convulsions and treat them with modified insulin therapy until the medical establishment finally accepted that therapies were dangerous.

The medical establishment used to approve doctors who gave hallucinogenics such as LSD to patients.

The medical establishment used to treat the mentally ill by punishing them until it was shown that this did no good at all and was, indeed, counterproductive.

Steroids were routinely and excessively prescribed for children with mild asthma – until the serious side effects became clear.

Back operations were performed routinely on just about anyone with backache – until the problems were outlined.

The medical establishment used to recommend routine tonsillectomies, circumcision and hysterectomies - until it was found that the operations often did more harm than good. Similarly, operations for hernias were performed unnecessarily until they too were found to cause too many problems. And D&C was a routine operation for woman until it was discredited.

Radiation was thought by the medical establishment to be harmless until it was shown not to be harmless.

And so on and on and on.

I could provide hundreds if not thousands of similar examples proving without doubt that the medical establishment is dangerously corrupt and is nearly always wrong until it is forced to change its collective, dishonest mind. The establishment is more concerned with the financial wellbeing of the drug industry than with the health of the patients it is paid to protect.

Today, of course, the medical establishment (and the main stream media) wants us to accept the covid-19 vaccine – despite the fact that it is useless and dangerous and its introduction and dissemination is undoubtedly part of a conspiracy to terrify and to kill billions of people.

Inevitably, when I questioned the medical establishment ‘s false claims I was demonised and my reputation destroyed.

The medical establishment is always wrong until it is forced to change its mind. In a few years’ time the establishment will (in the remote change that they are allowed to do so by the conspirators who now control our world)accept that the covid-19 vaccine (and other vaccines) are toxic and dangerous. `How could we have possibly known?’ they will ask, pitifully. I hope someone points to the videos I made in 2020 in which I warned, in precise and accurate detail, of the problems the vaccines would cause. Sadly, by then it will be too late for the people who were killed or injured by the vaccine.

And I’m afraid that the problems caused by the covid-19 vaccine scandal will dwarf the problems caused by the `infected blood scandal’.

For more evidence please read at `Medical Heretics’ by Vernon Coleman (which is subtitled `How the medical establishment crushes the truth and suppresses good ideas) and read `The Story of Medicine by Vernon Coleman (which is subtitled `An account of the social, political, economic and military influences on the health of the people and the practice of medicine from the beginning of time to the modern period.’) Both books are available via the bookshop on

Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2024
