The Dementia Myth
Dr Vernon Coleman
Doctors in Britain are paid a large cash bonus every time they diagnose dementia. It is one of many corrupt practices in Britain.
This one, I believe, is designed to get rid of the elderly. It is part of the depopulation plan and also designed to cut the cost of providing pensions and health care to the aged.
The result of the cash bonus is, of course, that GPs diagnose dementia with absurd enthusiasm. And the default and fashionable diagnosis is Alzheimer’s disease.
I suspect that many if not most cases of dementia are a result of misdiagnosis. Thousands and thousands of patients who have been misdiagnosed are drugged up their eyeballs to keep them quiet – and then quietly killed off with a kill-shot of midazolam and morphine (as part of the plan to get rid of old people).
If `suicide by doctor’ becomes legal in the UK (the licence to kill bill was passed by a bunch of ignorant MPs recently but there’s hope that we can still defeat it) then it will eventually be even easier to kill the patients who are diagnosed as demented.
In my book `The Dementia Myth’ I explore and explain the other diagnoses which are missed because it is more profitable for doctors to diagnose dementia.
`The Dementia Myth’ is available from the bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com or just CLICK HERE
Copyright Vernon Coleman December 2024