Why the NHS is Recruiting 5,000 GPs who don’t Speak English

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

The NHS is planning to recruit 5,000 foreign GPs because of a shortage of home-grown doctors.

The new GPs probably won’t be able to speak English very well (if at all) and they certainly won’t understand idiomatic English.

So the recruiting campaign will be a disaster as far as patients are concerned.

But why does the NHS recruit so many foreign doctors when British medical schools are turning out more new doctors than ever?


The first problem is that the General Medical Council (the bizarre and utterly useless charity cum quango which controls the licensing of doctors in the UK) has introduced mad rules which mean that many doctors – particularly older more experienced ones – are being forced out of the profession completely in their 60s and even 50s.

I have said before that I believe that the General Medical Council’s mad policies are responsible for thousands of deaths every year.

And now that they have effectively forced the NHS to recruit more foreign doctors, I believe that the problems are going to get worse.

The second problem is that the Government has forced medical schools to train more female doctors than male doctors. And thousands of female GPs want to work part time – many working just two or three days a week and refusing to do night time or weekend calls.

The result is that all over Britain, patients are going to have to see doctors who understand very little English and next to nothing about our culture, our fears or our way of life.

What can we do?

Well, the first thing to do is to close down the General Medical Council – which does far more harm than good.

Patients would be far safer without it.

If you want to know more please read my articles ‘Why British General Practice has died a terrible death’ and ‘How the GMC is Killing the NHS’.

Both are on this website.

Please ask your friends to read them too. And send copies to your MP.

If we don’t protest now then the NHS will continue to kill more people than it saves.

(And that is no exaggeration).

Copyright Vernon Coleman August 31st 2017
