Would Drs Shipman, Crippen and Mengele welcome Britain's new death by doctor law?
Dr Vernon Coleman
As I pointed out the other day, it was Adolf Hitler who announced that `Physicians have been empowered to grant a mercy death to patients considered incurable – the mentally ill and the handicapped.’
The policy, whereby the State gave doctors the right to kill their patients under the guise of `assisted suicide’, was created in 1920 by a psychiatrist and a lawyer who claimed that `the resultant economic savings justified killing those with useless lives’.
Note the phrase `useless lives’.
But even the Nazis eventually found this policy too nauseating, too cruel, too indefensible and impossible to operate.
And in 1941, the Nazis changed their collective minds and `assisted suicide’ was halted.
Today, however, on the 29th November 2024, British MPs voted to back a policy of `murder by doctor’ which even the Nazis couldn’t stomach.
British MPs voted to allow doctors to kill their patients.
Everything is wrong about this Bill.
It is impossible to say with certainty that a patient is terminally ill. Doctors who routinely claim to know which of their patients will die within six months should be tarred and feathered, hung, drawn and quartered and then dumped in a vat of cold, salty porridge to teach them a lesson. I know for a fact that many patients classified as `terminally ill’ recover and live good lives for many years. I have seen it happen. MPs who think that it is possible to define `terminally ill’ probably need to be told how and when to breathe.
And any MP who doesn’t realise that the `mercy killing’ the House of Commons has approved will be extended to include the vulnerable, the weak and the mentally ill is beyond stupid and beyond ignorant and unfit to be put in charge of putting out the family recycling.
If this Bill eventually gets through Parliament and the House of Lords (and there is still a chance that we can stop it because there must still be more discussion) then within two years of the Bill becoming law, doctors will be killing depressed children, homeless people, unemployed people and anyone who is regarded as useless.
If you think I am exaggerating please look at what is happening in other countries where `mercy killing’ is allowed. Look at what is happening in Canada, for example.
My contempt for all the stupid, immoral, ignorant British MPs who voted for `death by doctor’ is endless.
We must keep fighting to stop this Bill becoming law.
Please, please send copies of my video to all MPs and journalists. To find the video just CLICK HERE And read and share copies of Jack King’s book. A paperback of copy of `They want to kill us’ costs under a fiver. You can buy a copy HERE Both Jack King and I have sent out many copies of his book. Neither Jack nor I have, of course, been invited to debate euthanasia.
The simple truth, now apparently beyond doubt, is that THEY want us dead. Euthanasia is a vital part of the depopulation plan. Those of us that they can’t freeze to death or starve to death or frighten to death they will simply kill by doctor. This is the `Do Not Resuscitate’ programme on steroids. This obscene law will, if approved, give doctors and nurses the right to give every living Briton a slow, lingering, painful death which will be falsely promoted as peaceful and painless but which in reality will, most likely be neither.
Remember, every warning I’ve given for years and every prediction I’ve made has been proven accurate.
There has been little or no public debate about euthanasia. If people really knew what this Bill means there would be rioting in the streets. In my heart I don’t believe this bill has anything to do with `choice’ or `dignity’. I fear that this bill will prove to be about killing people regarded as `useless’ to society.
Remember: if this vile, Nazi `mercy killing’ bill is allowed to become law they WILL soon be killing the homeless, the unemployed, the elderly, the disabled, the mentally ill and unhappy children.
The vulnerable and the sick will be persuaded to accept `mercy killing’. This is a law which the murderous Dr Harold Shipman would have loved. This is a law which Dr Crippen would have voted for. Dr Mengele would have cheered this bill.
Patients will be told that `mercy killing’ offers them a way to beat long waiting lists and a way to `help their family and their country’.
You and I can still stop them bringing `death by doctor’ into Britain.
Copyright Vernon Coleman November 29th 2024