Passing Observations 110

Dr Vernon Coleman

This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.

1. News of the result of the Battle of Trafalgar took 16 days to reach London.

2. Nobody in the mainstream media ever asks the right questions. Maybe it’s because they’re frightened of hearing the wrong answers.

3. A former MI6 chief claims that Russia hacked his personal emails. Gosh. My personal emails and phones have been hacked by the British secret services for decades. And if you’ve ever spoken out or criticised your government, the betting is that yours will have been hacked too.

4. I don’t know if it’s still going but the Daily Sport was the last British newspaper I felt I could trust. `Double Decker Bus Found on Moon’. Now there was a headline I could believe.

5. Politicians have forgotten (if they ever knew) that governments exist to serve the people – not the other way round. Politics has always been all about politicians making promises they don’t intend to keep. The odd thing is that the electors know they don’t intend to keep the promises but pretend that this time they might. The constant avalanche of false promises means that honest politicians never stand a chance.

6. A swimmer says that swimming events should be cheaper so that more people can go and watch them. Why would anyone want to watch a swimming event?

7. Marie Antoinette’s husband, Louis XVI of France, wrote `Rien’ in his diary on the day when the sacking of the Bastille ushered in the French Revolution.

8. According to a journalist in the Financial Times (in an article entitled `Putin’s War Against Liberal Democracy’): `Russia’s president may be the most dangerous man who has ever lived.’ This may come as something of a shock to historians who are aware that Stalin is reputed to have killed up to 29 million people, Attila the Hun is said to have been responsible for 30 million deaths, and Genghis Khan and Mao Zedong are each credited with 40 million deaths. (Genghis Khan also had the heads of 70,000 of his victims built into minarets.) I’m ignoring Pinochet, Hitler, Idi Amin, Klaus Schwab, Rothschild, Gates, Tony Blair et al in my personal list of the most dangerous men who ever lived. In my view, the Financial Times is the most inept, lefty, conspiracy paper in the world, written by the ignorant for the ignorant and beloved by those who are too embarrassed to be seen carrying The Guardian or too stupid to have worked out how to access share prices on their computers.

9. Social media is an enormously profitable scheme whereby anonymous morons with opinions but no knowledge can interact with other anonymous morons with opinions but no knowledge, then gather together to beat up on the weakest and most vulnerable.

10. If you think drug companies are nice just read the book `Roche v Adams’ which describes Stanley Adams’ experiences with drug company Roche and the EU. The world has been scarier and nastier for longer than most people realise.

11. Ever since they first came out, I’ve been a fan of wind-up torches. But they don’t always last and need replacing. I bought some recently which had this written on each box: `Constantly using this health torch it can benefit to your pain arm and shoulder stretching and blood circulation so as to let your hands relax and train clever hand and brain coor climate and promote your brain memory and health composition.’ Good to know.

12. After weeks of sanctions, the Russian rouble is now worth more against the pound sterling than it was before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

13. Around 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Anything considered truthful will doubtless be censored and removed.

14. The Wall Street Journal tells young Americans it is time for them have adventures. Suggestions include eating at a new place, doing karoke or trying a different workout. Scary stuff. What a dazzling generation.

15. Sunak, the British Chancellor, will spend another £500,000 on opinion polls in the next few months. I could save taxpayers a lot of money: the polls will show that people hate you, Sunak. And they don’t trust you further than they could throw you.

16. An MP who looked at `tractors’ in the House of Commons had to resign. A Prime Minister who has lied and cheated and broken the law has been fined £50 and is still Prime Minister.

17. In 1940, the Germans planned to freeze the English Channel so that the German army could march over it and invade England.

18. I don’t think Boris Johnson gives a damn about the fact that no one trusts him. I suspect he knows that there won’t be a general election in 2024. We’ll have a world government by then.

19. It is now common for patients to have to wait 10 hours to be seen in Accident and Emergency Departments. These awful delays are a direct result of the fact that GPs no longer provide a 24 hour service.

20. Sudden, unexpected deaths (particularly among young people) are now horrifyingly common. But no one in Government is looking for a cause. And no one is analysing all these unexpected deaths. Why? Simple. They already know that the sudden, unexpected deaths are caused by one thing only: the deadly covid-19 jab.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2022

Vernon Coleman’s 512 page book `Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History’ was banned four times but it is now available as a paperback and an eBook. If you’d like a copy please go to
