Passing Observations 126
Dr Vernon Coleman
This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.
1. Every week I read a magazine called `Country Life’. I only look at it for the pictures, because I don’t think there is a more woke and out of touch with reality publication in the country. This week I found this comment: `…when I can’t figure out how the world got into the mess it’s in – or how we get out of it…’ from someone called Carla Carlisle. Oh dear. I’d tell her but I’m pretty sure she won’t believe me.
2. Hospitals will be shut on the day of the queen’s funeral (so waiting lists for vital life-saving operations will grow longer). But the hospitals will stay open to give covid jabs. You couldn’t make this stuff up, could you?
3. Britain’s economic situation is even worse than I thought it was. The cost of keeping energy bills down (relatively speaking) will cost £200 billion a year. And the cost of paying for our military involvement in Ukraine will cost another £157 billion. Here a billion, there a billion, and pretty soon it adds up to real money. Services are coming down and taxes are going up. And nothing happens by accident.
4. Was queen Elizabeth II the only person over 70 to die recently without lethal quantities of midazolam in her body? Just thinking aloud.
5. Small companies are experimenting with incredible perks for their staff. These include: a four day working week, the chance to work from anywhere (including a beach abroad), a six month sabbatical and unlimited holidays. It sounds wonderful and is undoubtedly is. But there’s one snag: some of the best known companies offering all these perks are losing huge amounts of money.
6. Why do the drivers of very small cars always drive their tiny vehicles far into their parking space? Motorists looking for somewhere to dump their properly sized vehicle see what looks like a space – and drive towards it, full of hope, only to be disappointed to discover that something the size of a cardboard box is taking up the distant half of the space.
7. Why do people working for banks, utility companies, etc. always sound so excited when you get your name and date of birth right? What’s your name? they ask. You tell them. `Fantastic!’ they reply. `And your date of birth?’ You tell them. `Fantastic! Fantastic!’ they say, as though you’d just answered the difficult question on `Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’
8. In World War II it was quite ordinary people who ran the concentration camps and who did the killing. They were lawyers, policemen, factory workers, shop assistants and, of course, doctors. Today, we have a new breed of specialist war criminals because it’s just doctors and nurses and journalists who are in charge of the genocide.
9. I have met and talked to many people who have worked for drug companies. In my opinion, none of them had a working moral compass. All had learned to betray mankind for corporate benefit. All had abandoned their values in order to satisfy the demands of the corporate beast. The higher up an individual rises in a drug company the more likely they are to become irretrievably corrupt. In my experience, drug company people don’t think like you and I do. Their souls are bought and paid for.
10. It’s crucial to remember that our governments, and those who speak for them, are our enemies in a never ending war.
11. I fear that Royal Mail, as we know it, will not exist in a few years’ time. The rule that mail must be delivered to all homes – including those which are isolated – will be lifted. Those living in rural and even suburban areas will have to collect their mail from central points – possibly with mail boxes being situated in city and town centres. The elderly and those can no longer afford to drive will have to rely on the goodwill of others – or simply do without physical mail.
12. It seems that these days it only takes one trivial complaint for the forces of oppression to leap into action (as long as the complaint suits their agenda). If a petty complainant is a woman she will be in her mid-thirties with at least two children. She will be a member of the Green Party and very active on Twitter and Facebook. If she buys a propaganda sheet it will be `The Guardian’. She will regularly publish her pictures on Instagram . She has never had paid employment and never will. She washes her hair on alternate Wednesdays, whether it needs it or not, and uses a shampoo made from nettles and tiger dung. If the petty complainant is male he will be in his forties, a coward and a bully and probably semi-literate and borderline insane. He will probably believe the earth is flat.
13. They’re planning to get rid of cash within five years. And banks are already keeping ATMs empty and limiting the amount of cash they carry. Think of ATMS in the same way that old men think of loos – never pass one without using it.
14. So-called journalists, fact checkers and hackers are now working through my internet trash. Every few years we delete a pile of articles from to keep the size under control (the website has been operating since the 1980s and was online before Google, YouTube, etc.). Digging through my trash now seems a full time occupation for the trolls looking to find something to attack and old articles now re-appear as though reborn. The thing is that none of them was deleted because I was embarrassed by them – they were deleted to stop the website looking like Imelda Marcos’s shopping list.
15. Never take financial advice from anyone poorer than you are.
16. Please never use the Google search engine. And never use YouTube. They are the enemy’s twin assassins.
17. The medical establishment is corrupt and owned by the drug industry. It is now also obsessed with the global warming myth.
18. Chris Whitty has a knighthood, presumably for services to baldness and for doing what he was paid to do. But neither Rudyard Kipling nor Cecil Rhodes ever got one. Says it all, doesn’t it, though Kipling got a Nobel Prize and Rhodes founded a country.
19. I’m beginning to think that the best way to get emergency medical treatment in the UK will soon be to throw a brick through a police station window. The police would be obliged to take you to hospital and demand speedy treatment.
20. Only 1 in 5 employees in the US believe their work has any meaning or value. I’m not surprised. I suspect that the figure in most countries would be the same – or worse.
Copyright Vernon Coleman September 2022
Vernon Coleman’s latest book `What’s wrong with the NHS – and how to put it right’ is available as a (small) monograph which costs £2.99. It took 50 years to research and write, and will take you less than an hour to read. It’s short but packed with truths about the NHS; truths that I suspect NHS staff will deny and that no one else will dare tell you.