Passing Observations 129

Dr Vernon Coleman

This is a long standing series of small items which have caught my eye or mind and which seem relevant, startling, amusing or all three. Occasionally, items which appear here may return as a longer piece. Mostly they will not.

1. Why are former political leaders and politicians around the world paid such enormous fees for books and lectures? Those huge advances can’t possibly be paid back. And how many retired politicians are worth £100,000 for a speech? They couldn’t possibly be being paid for services rendered, could they?

2. `Strange times are these in which … young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and a fool.’ – Plato (427-347 BC.)

3. As nations prepare to freeze through a cold, dark winter we now know why governments banned log burners and many types of log – despite importing wood pellets to create electricity for electric cars. It’s all part of the killing programme.

4. Once upon a time criminals used to break laws. These days the criminals make laws. Neat, eh?

5. Surely, the Duchess of California’s name should be pronounced `Me-again’?

6. A survey reported that 92% of respondents don’t feel that BBC national news programmes represent rural issues. The vast majority said they felt the same about programmes such as Countryfile and Springwatch.

7. In 1909, Lord Northcliffe sacked a journalist (the editor’s sister as it happens) for introducing her own views into an article for one of his papers. It is difficult these days to find a mainstream newspaper article which does not contain the views and prejudices of the writer. There is no real journalism in the mainstream media – it’s all propaganda, bought and paid for by billionaires such as Bill Gates.

8. Governments around the world are deliberately creating instability because instability causes chaos, anxiety and depression – and makes people more malleable.

9. More than half a million emergency calls to the Metropolitan Police were abandoned last year. People needing help just gave up because no one answered the phone. What do we pay these people for?

10. OAPs in the UK receive the worst mandatory State pension of all 36 countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). No other country treats its elderly with such disdain and contempt. And yet millennials complain bitterly if OAPs receive a promised pay rise. Moaning millennials might like to remember two things: old age pension payments have been paid for in decades of taxes and second, even some 20-year-olds grow old.

11. Companies are now charging extra for bits and pieces that used to be considered essential. Buy a new car and they’ll sell you the wheels for an extra few grand. Maybe thriller writers should start charging extra for the last page of their books. Agatha Christie’s estate would make a fortune if they sold books for one penny and then sold the last page for £20.

12. Votive candles used in churches are being made smaller.

13. The campaign to slaughter all the grey squirrels is taking off again. Driven by a colour preference, the genocidal nature haters want to kill the grey squirrels so that there will be more red squirrels. But the major difference between the two is the colour of the fur. The red squirrels are regarded as prettier and more attractive to tourists. In the past red squirrels were hunted with just as much enthusiasm as grey squirrels are persecuted today. It is a not very well-known fact that grey squirrels ‘plant’ more trees than they are alleged to destroy by often forgetting where they buried their nuts.

14. The lockdowns were always going to kill huge numbers of people. The conspirators always planned to use the lockdowns as a cover and an explanation for all the multitude of deaths caused by the covid-19 jab.

15. My favourite idiom is: `What’s that got to do with the price of fish?’ Unusually, the voice should be raised at the beginning of the sentence when using this idiom.

16. I told a woman who was queuing in the Post Office that Royal Mail now shreds all the second class mail to reduce the strain on the overworked staff and avoid inconveniencing them during their strike action. She believed me. I had to reassure her that I was joking but when I think about it I am not surprised she believed me.

17. Fascism (defined as intolerance and authoritarianism) is very much alive today. Mussolini, the father of fascism, defined fascism as reasserting the right of the state as expressing the real essence of the individual. For the fascist the state is everything – and debate and truth are secondary. The global warming cultists are pure fascists – wanting to suppress all debate – as are the rabid pro-vaxxers. I regard the BBC as the fascist broadcaster of choice for the cultists. And The Guardian, which appears to me to be a rancid supporter of the state (and the conspirators) above the individual, therefore seems to me to be a fascist newspaper. I have an irrepressible suspicion that those who buy a copy of The Guardian will get 10p off the cover price if they give the appropriate salute and click their heels when buying the paper. Incidentally, I reckon `net zero’ is the most insane policy ever dreamt up by any politician. Our world is now controlled by the very woke Far Left. They like to think of themselves as liberals but they are fascists masquerading as communists.

18. Micro-aggression is defined as the act of searching for and finding offence where none was intended or existed. Micro-aggression is popular among the woke and the humourless. Just what the world needs.

19. The rainbow does not belong to homosexuals or globalists and is nothing to do with either of those groups. The rainbow is a gift of love from God and is associated with Noah’s covenant. Homosexuals and globalists should design their own logos instead of helping themselves to one which already has an important meaning. Their attempt to hijack the rainbow is truly offensive. If I see anyone wearing or carrying a rainbow logo or flag I congratulate them on their devotion to Christianity. I am pleased, by the way, to see that footballers attending a forthcoming competition in Quatar will be wearing the Christian logo on their shirts.

20. New homes in the UK must have bars across the windows because a civil servant fears that tall people may fall out – especially now that regulations mean that homes are kept warmer. This will turn homes into prisons. It would surely make more sense to ban stairs since far more people are injured falling down stairs than out of windows. All high rise buildings should be turned sideways and turned into long bungalows.

Copyright Vernon Coleman September 2022

Vernon Coleman’s latest book `What’s wrong with the NHS – and how to put it right’ is available as a (small) paperback which costs £2.99. It took 50 years to research and write, and will take you less than an hour to read. It will doubtless soon be banned.
