Passing Observations 135
Dr Vernon Coleman
Please note that I do not have any social media accounts. All accounts which appear to be in my name are fake. I have banned by YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and so on. Accounts in my name on Twitter and Telegram and all other social media platforms are nothing to do with me and should be labelled as fake however real they may appear. The only sites where my work appears and which I control are and – though I have always allowed my videos to be reproduced on other sites as long as they are not cut or edited or adorned with advertisements.
1. My good friend Dr Colin M Barron (the one who makes the brilliant videos) has just published a superb new novel called `Four Minutes to Zero’. It’s available on Amazon and it’s a staggeringly good thriller. Dedicated to `people who fight tyranny, wherever it is found’ it is a sequel to `24 Hours to Doomsday’ (also a great thriller) and again describe the adventure of a former SAS Sergeant called Rick Fernscale. Rick and his wife Maria are living a life of luxury when they’re attacked by terrorists, who are part of a plan to depopulate the world and introduce a New World Order. (You may have heard something about that elsewhere.) That’s all I’m going to tell you. I bought a copy the minute it went on sale and if you’re looking for great escapist reading for the dark days ahead (dark in more than one way) you can’t do better than `Four Minutes to Zero’. It deserves to sell a million and I hope a producer turns it into a movie.
2. `Strive to preserve your health; and in this you will the better succeed in proportion as you keep clear of the physicians, for their drugs are a kind of alchemy concerning which there are no fewer books than there are medicines.' - Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
3. It wasn’t all that many years ago when doctors claimed that smoking was good for the lungs. Now they say that vaccination is good for the organism. On balance, I’d guess that history will show that the first error was no more harmful than the second. If the vaxxers really believed that vaccines are safe and effective they would be prepared to debate their beliefs. But they won’t debate and so they clearly know that vaccination is a fraud.
4. Every photo taken inside a hospital shows everyone wearing masks – as though they are all setting a good example. On the contrary, mask wearers are exhibiting their ignorance and crass stupidity.
5. `Truth is always there, whether we see it or not…The truth doesn’t care about our needs or wants. It doesn’t care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions. It will lie in wait for all time.’ - `Chernobyl’
6. Antoinette and I watched an old black and white film called Santa Fe Trail the other day. The male stars are Errol Flynn and Ronald Reagan and I couldn’t help thinking how different the world would be if Errol Flynn had become President of the United States instead of Ronald Reagan.
7. I wonder if the contract for Harry’s ghost written new kiss and tell book about his family contains a clause preventing left over copies from the embarrassment of `remaindering’. This wretched `look-at-me’ book will doubtless sell well for a week or two – to the sort of people who queue to watch the results of a train crash – but after that the sales will, I suspect, fall away quickly. The book was gutted by the media because no serial rights were sold and the leak gave the press a field day. How many copies will remain unsold and have to be burnt? And what will that do to the environment? I doubt if `Spare’ will cover its advance and although I doubt if anyone will ever admit it, I suspect it will be the biggest publishing disaster in history. Why would anyone buy a book which seems to be a well-rewarded exercise in disloyalty and betrayal? I suspect that everyone who can read already knows more than enough about Harry (who still seems to me to behave like a child but who is approaching his 40s and middle age and living in outrageous luxury which he will seem to some to have done nothing to deserve). Why would anyone allow such a book to be written on their behalf? Was it for publicity or money? I suspect that 90% of the population will feel more sympathy for Charles and William. And wasn’t it racist of Harry to describe the Afghans he killed as chess pieces? (Many people have pointed out that these remarks will put him and his family at risk. I hope he isn’t expecting the British taxpayer to pay the security bills. Harry has surely put the whole of Britain at risk.) And wasn’t Meghan perpetuating a sexual stereotype in her alleged conversation with Kate? Will the pair of them be slower to accuse others of sexism and racism in future? Harry has turned himself into a Z list celebrity starring in his own show: `I’m a Royal – get me out of here’. Let this be the end of this pathetic distraction which has been used to draw attention away from infinitely more important issues. Meanwhile, don’t buy Harry’s venom spattered kiss and tell book – buy Colin M Barron’s brilliant new novel called `Four Minutes to Zero’. It’s a lot cheaper and much more fun. And Colin wrote it himself.
8. There is some evidence that people who are ugly are more likely to be the ones who are still wearing face masks.
9. `Freedom does not die in one blow, it dies by inches in public legislation.'
10. When I opened a DVD made by the BBC (I didn’t buy it) I had to fight through shrink wrap, cardboard and plastic to find a collection of disks. I suspect that all the material on the disks could have fitted on half the number of disks. Incidentally, the best joke I’ve heard for months is the rumour that the BBC apparently has a fact checking department. Surely it couldn’t possibly be true? No one at the BBC has such a well-developed sense of irony.
11. Have you noticed that all sensible old people now walk very gingerly. When you know that there is no health care available you tread carefully. One trip could mean the end. I walk around with six pillows strapped to my limbs to reduce the risk of a break if I fall.
12. The Government in the UK pays extra money to parents with children who have special needs. Tragically, parents are preventing their children from learning so that they can claim their offspring have special needs (and receive the bonus payments). What have we come to?
13. Cleaners are now known as `sanitation technicians’ and receptionists insist on being called `lobby ambassadors’. Mainstream journalists are to be known as `truth suppressors’.
14. If Schwab/Sunak gives in to the striking public service workers who are demanding massive pay rises the resulting rise in inflation will ensure that his government will fall. The unions know this, of course. (Incidentally, when are tax inspectors going to go on strike? I think they should.)
15. The shortage of doctors in the NHS is exacerbated by the number of women doctors who insist on taking a year off work every time they get pregnant. And then, when they return to work, insist on working just two or three days a week. The decision, made half a century ago, to insist that medical schools recruited more female than male students, makes sense when you realise that the conspirators want to eradicate health care services.
16. Junior doctors (who already earn up to £60,000 for a 38 hour week) are threatening to go on strike for a 26% pay rise. When I was a junior hospital doctor I was, I think, paid around £600 a year for a working week that sometimes extended to 168 hours. Neither I nor anyone I worked with would have dreamt of going on strike. What happened to doctors?
17. `Doctors are always working to preserve our health and cooks to destroy it, but the latter are the more often successful.' -Denis Diderot (1713-1784)
18. Now that there is no health care in the UK, the Government should make antibiotics available over the counter in pharmacies so that patients are able to treat infections themselves. I can’t see the drug companies (who control medical care around the world) objecting.
19. What on earth is the nurses’ trade union doing? The Royal College of Nursing seems to me to have done something I would thought impossible – they seem to me to have discredited the nursing profession and made nurses unpopular; losing them much of the respect and affection they’ve had for generations. A few months ago I’d have thought that impossible but the strikes have killed hundreds if not thousands of innocent people. Asking for a 19% pay rise was never going to be successful. It seemed greedy. Demanding the Prime Minister become personally involved looked awful. And apparently cutting the demand in half makes the negotiators look rather sad and desperate. The nurses should sack their spokespersons, who have, in my view, done them no good at all.
20. More and more of the people who criticised me the start of this journey (three years ago in February 2023) and who demonised and sneered and scorned, are now trotting out the same thoughts for which they condemned me three years ago. Doctors and journalists who said nothing about the fake pandemic and who attacked me for revealing the truth about the dangers of the jabs are now writing articles and making videos as if, all by themselves, they had discovered that lockdowns, masks and experimental jabs are a bad thing. Well, it’s too damned late. The covid-19 jabs have done their damage. The battlefield has moved on. We are now fighting (for our lives) to protect cash. If we lose the fight for cash we lose everything.
Copyright Vernon Coleman January 2023
If you want to know more about keeping healthy, please read `Coleman’s Laws: Twelve Essential Medical Secrets that could save your life’. It’s available as an eBook and a paperback and can be purchased via the bookshop on this website.