Passing Observations 230

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. I read anything and everything from sauce bottles to esoteric journals. I always have. If I leave the house for a couple of hours I take three or four books with me just in case I get stuck somewhere. The other day I bought a huge pile of old New Yorker magazines. I used to enjoy the New Yorker in the days of Harold Ross, James Thurber and Janet Flanner but boy has it changed. Among the issues I bought were ones from March and April 2020 and the editors, writers and cartoonists went overboard on the fake pandemic. Almost every article, and many of the cartoons, dealt with covid and I have never seen so much mindless hysteria in my life. I hope that if any of those responsible ever look back they will blush with embarrassment. It is clear that they thought they were living through a plague, rather than an over-marketed brand of the flu. The words `ignorant’ and `pathetic’ just won’t go away. Maybe the magazine was written by 11-year-olds for those months. It certainly reads like it. I suspect that anyone who continued to read the magazine after that bizarre period must have lost their minds and forgotten to cancel their subscriptions.

2. According to The English Constitution: `The Queen (King) must sign her (his) own death warrant if the two Houses unanimously send it up to her (him).’

3. The painfully ignorant claim that the human body has no immune system. This is as childishly stupid as claiming that the human body has no liver and no kidneys.

4. Only sanctimonious morons bought electric cars. I bet they feel really stupid now. And what is going to happen to all those useless vehicles when their batteries have died? The useless hulks will be piled high in a massive mountain of waste. (If you’re still thinking of buying an electric car, read my friend Colin M. Barron’s excellent book `Why I will never buy an electric car’.)

5. Please visit the bookshop on where you will find scores of in-print books. And there are links so that you can find books quickly and easily on Amazon. Please note that all 15 books in the Young Country Doctor (Bilbury) series are available in paperback and as eBooks, and all four books about Mrs Caldicot are also available in paperback and as eBooks. Indeed, all four Mrs Caldicot novels are now available in an Omnibus edition available as a paperback and a hardcover edition.

6. The laws of the road these days are designed to give cyclists precedence over motorists. Cyclists have special cycle lanes, they are allowed to ride wherever they wish, they often carry cameras fitted to their helmets so that they can sneak on motorists whom they regard as having infringed their `rights’ as cyclists, and they are not required to pay a road tax towards the cost of their existence and nor are they required to pay for insurance. There can be little doubt that the plan is to force more and more people out of their cars and onto bicycles. This is an integral part of the Great Reset wherein we will not be allowed to travel more than a mile or two except by bicycle. I like bicycles but if I ride one it’ll be because I want to and not because some half-witted, sanctimonious buffoon tells me I have to.

7. Those cancers which are caused by hormones (such as breast and prostate cancer) are much, much commoner in western countries than in poorer countries. The difference is in the diet. Meat (particularly fatty meat) is one of the major dietary factors but dairy produce is also an important factor in the development of hormone related cancers. The main protein found in cows’ milk and dairy products, a substance called casein, could be regarded as a Category 1 carcinogen. The importance of diet has without a doubt been suppressed by people driven by a toxic mixture of self-interest, prejudice, laziness and greed. It is sad that many oncologists still fail to understand the importance of avoiding dairy produce.

8. Primary school teachers are being told to allow children to change gender without informing their parents. Presumably, teachers perform the necessary surgery during break times. A number of Church England primary schools have advised teachers to assist girls using breast binders when on school trips.

9. There can surely be no more jarring two words in the English language than `his husband’. Couldn’t the entire homosexual community have come up with a better way to describe themselves? This is, by the way, an etymological query not a hate crime.

10. One of the purposes of the predictably damaging lockdowns which were introduced in 2020 and which did so much harm in so many ways was, I believe, to control the media and convert once independent media organisations into slaves of the State. The lockdowns damaged economies all around the world with the result that advertising budgets dried up. Newspapers, magazines and television and radio stations were kept alive by advertisements bought by governments everywhere. Moreover, instead of demanding cut price rates (as is customary with commercial ad buyers) governments paid the full rate card price – the rack rate. This meant that during the lockdowns and for many months afterwards newspapers and magazines actually made more money than they would have done normally.

11. Wikilies (formerly known as Wikipedia) seems to me to be dedicated to the dissemination of misinformation and demonization, and one of its main roles appears to be the demonization of those who question or reveal truths about the New Normal and the Great Reset and the fake pandemic and the toxic covid-19 vaccine. Wikilies is, in my view, one-sided, bigoted, prejudiced, defamatory and corrupt and is used as a propaganda service. It is as far removed from a true encyclopaedia as it is possible to get.

12. Hospitals have become like prisons but without the caring and compassion.

13. In Scotland it is now illegal to say anything rude about war criminals, Biden, Sunak, Macron, Trudeau and the rest of the miserable, horn skinned bastards. I’ve just cancelled my holiday in Scotland.

14. When Benjamin Netanyahu is tried as a war criminal he will, I expect, claim that he is insane. But what will Sunak’s excuse be? And Biden’s? Anyone who supports what Israel has done (and is doing) in Gaza is either insane or a psychopath. Or both.

15. The new official definition of insanity is `someone who votes for the Green party’.

16. Dog ownership should be restricted to those who have enough private land to exercise their animal without it endangering members of the public. An acre per dog would seem reasonable.

17. There apparently isn’t enough money in the UK to pay decent pensions to OAPs but there is enough money to pay nursery school fees for rich parents.

18. When politicians cheerily report that inflation has fallen they never point out that even if it has fallen to 5% this still means that prices are going up by 5% – and that all the previous price rises remain. Falling inflation never means that prices go down.

19. The scientifically illiterate always think that peer reviews are valuable. In fact peer reviews have always been worthless because they are invariably written by people with the same prejudices as the author of the paper being reviewed. And now peer reviews are being written by AI chatbots. Ah, at least they’re now screwing up the bad things as well as the good things.

20. There is now a universal belief that everyone (however disabled) should be allowed to do whatever they want to do. Nice idea and I applaud the first person willing to have a surgical operation performed by a team of blind doctors and nurses.

21. The NHS has the staff, the time and the money to provide free gender ID clinics. Sadly, old people are left to die, undiagnosed, untreated and uncared for because the NHS doesn’t have enough money to care for them – unless they have gender ID concerns.

22. It doesn’t matter a damn who wins the next elections in the US and the UK. Politicians are mere cyphers. Ministers have very little power and other politicians have none. All decisions are now taken by lobbyists, NGOs, organisations such as the UN, the IMF, the World Bank and psychopathic megalomaniacs such as those who attend the Bilderberger meetings or who are members of the World Economic Forum. Voting is now a complete waste of time. I have seen the future and you don’t want to go there. To see what’s coming please read `Their Terrifying Plan’. You can buy a copy via the bookshop on

23. Despite the sanctions against Russia (which only ever hurt ordinary people in Britain and the EU), NATO countries are still selling millions of dollars’ worth of nitrocellulose to Russia, which needs the stuff to make ammunition. So, as always, the arms dealers are selling stuff to both sides. The greed and the hypocrisy never end, do they?

24. The global medical profession is now run by communists who care more for the State and their own wallets than they care for patients.

25. Seven of the world’s ten fastest growing economies are now African.

26. If you want to be notified when my next video comes out please subscribe to my channel on Bitchute. (You can reach the channel from the video button on

27. `I feel that there is something deeply, deeply wrong which nothing but some great strong new force can set right.’ – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who was clearly well ahead of his time.

28. `The situation of our time surrounds us like a baffling crime.’ – W.H.Auden, ditto

29. The British Government has pushed up taxes on North Sea oil, making sure that oil companies are no longer much interested in the North Sea oil. This means that Britain has to import all its energy and so its economy will continue to slide into a great, dark pit. The Net Zero supporters who cheer the Government’s energy policy are insane.

30. ADHD and autism are the most over prescribed childhood diseases. Parents, teachers, doctors and drug companies are joined in a giant conspiracy. Children falsely but conveniently diagnosed are given dangerous medication for years. It’s a health scandal no one dares mention.

All four novels about Mrs Caldicot are now available in a single volume via the bookshop on Mrs Caldicot is the voice of freedom and a heroine for our times. I hear she may be considering standing for Parliament as the Voice of the People.

Copyright Vernon Coleman April 2024
