Passing Observations 238

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. During the lockdowns four years ago I made a video suggesting that viewers should take vitamin D supplements to replace the sunshine they weren’t getting. YouTube took down the video and banned it because everything I said was absolutely accurate and was, indeed, important advice. I wonder how many people got broken bones as a result. And I wonder how many of them were killed when they were sent into hospital for treatment. Remember: nothing happens by accident.

2. Crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin require electricity and the internet to exist. Without either they disappear forever. Of course, if you trust your government not to interfere with the electricity supply and the availability of the internet then you have nothing to worry about.

3. As part of the plan to increase illness, governments are banning antiseptic `wet wipes’. This ban will lead to more infections and more deaths. Remember: nothing happens by accident.

4. The liberal woke luvvies who want to make England more welcoming to illegal migrants (but who naturally don’t want to pay the financial cost) are unquestionably responsible for the deaths of those who drown while trying to cross the English Channel.

5. The Turner Prize has been a joke for years. It has now warped into a woke parody of itself. If you feel like a good laugh to take your mind off the world’s obscenities take a look at this year’s entries.

6. My man with the umbrella reckons that the Met Office’s weather forecasts are now correct nearly 0.1% of the time. `They’ve had problems recently,’ a weather person told me. `Their piece of seaweed dried out and they had to send someone to the seaside to fetch another piece.’

7. Nurses have been told they are too important to spend time feeding patients in hospital. And no one else is allowed to touch patients or to feed them. So patients who cannot feed themselves just starve to death unless they have relatives to feed them. This is a variation of the Liverpool Care Pathway and it kills thousands of patients every year. It is murder by another name. Every nurse who walks past a patient who cannot feed themselves should be charged with manslaughter.

8. Britain has no health care, an educational system that has failed, a massive immigration problem, armed forces which are laughably incompetent, and the world’s worst transport system. And the Prime Minister is giving £500 million to Ukraine because he obviously thinks we have more spare money than he knows what to do with.

9. The people who voted against Brexit either didn’t know what the European Union was created to do (in which case they were ignorant) or they did (in which case they are wicked). If you want to know the scary truth about how the EU was created and built please read my book `The Shocking History of the EU’. It is available via the bookshop on

10. All immigrants who cannot sing Rule Britannia (and do so with believable gusto) should be put onto cheap Ryanair or EasyJet flights and sent somewhere. Anywhere.

11. Carney, the former Bank of England boss, says that Brexiteers destroyed Britain’s future. As usual Carney is wrong. It was the EU supporting Remainers who destroyed Britain.

12. One in four people who were jabbed with the toxic covid-19 vaccine have heart complications. But it’s all just a coincidence, of course.

13. The covid-19 vaccine was never tested to see if it would cause or trigger cancer or if it would revive resting cancers. Now, oddly, the incidence of cancer is exploding.

14. They’re going to try to bring back ID cards. We must stay alert. ID cards are a direct pathway to a society built on social credit. Please read `Social Credit: Nightmare on your Street’ to find out what social credit means to you. You can buy a copy via the bookshop on

15. Where is the bloke who used to walk up and down Oxford Street carrying a placard saying `The End is Nigh’? We need him now.

16. If you give a loaded gun to someone who uses it to shoot children you are guilty of a crime. Sunak and Biden are giving guns and ammunition to Israel which is using them to commit war crimes. So Sunak and Biden are war criminals.

17. There is a campaign to stop old people from voting. It is the young who should be banned from voting. Those under 25 know nothing and too easily recruited by the woke whose religion is communism.

18. It is a fact that most serial killers begin by being cruel to animals.

19. The conspirators constantly create new problems. And then offer ready-prepared solutions. So, immigration is a problem. And ID cards are their solution.

20. Last year there were 1,146 people employed by London Mayor Khan who were paid over £100,000 a year. Civil servants and quango staff everywhere are paid huge and absurd salaries. And the world would be a better, more efficient, happier place without 90% of them

Copyright Vernon Coleman April 2024
