Passing Observations 240

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. Generation Z (the `children’ born between 1997 and 2012) now make up 20% of the population of the UK and the US. Worldwide there are two billion of them. They are richer and more demanding than any other generation. And they moan more too. They want Net Zero (without realising what it will mean) and they are mostly communists (in that they want more government and less freedom). Z generation `children’ do not believe in democracy or freedom. So, there is no future for mankind. Sorry about that.

2. Employers in the UK can be severely punished if they hurt the feelings of their employees.

3. American senator Chuck Grassley is 90-years-old. He has announced that he will run again in 2028. Some people worry about the fact that a number of the world’s leaders are rather old. But look at the young leaders in power? Do we really want more Trudeaus, Macrons and Sunaks? And do we want more like that woman from New Zealand?

4. GDP in the UK has fallen in the last 20 years. And so Britain is poor and getting poorer. Greens believe that growth is bad for us all and they want our standard of living to fall. Without growth, public services will deteriorate still further and collapsing infrastructure will remain un-mended. National debts (already unaffordable) will continue to soar and poverty will rise. Greens want to stop the use of fossil fuels, though they provide at least 80-90% of our energy requirements and will do so for generations to come. Anyone who votes for a Green candidate is truly insane.

5. There are four ways to complain about a bad doctor. First, complain to her employer. Second complain to her licensing authority. Third, complain to the media. Fourth sue the bastard.

6. `Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught.’ – Honore de Balzac.

7. There are still some ignorant folk who claim that meat does not cause cancer. They’re wrong. There is more than enough evidence proving the link in my book `Meat Causes Cancer – and more Food for Thought’. If you want to see the facts you can buy a copy via the bookshop on Those who want to eat meat should, of course, be allowed to do so – just as those who insist on smoking should be allowed to smoke. But everyone should know the facts so that they can make their choices based on the evidence.

8. None of the UK’s national papers and magazines have reviewed Jack King’s book about euthanasia. It is called `They want to kill us’. I worked as a columnist in Fleet Street for decades and in the days when newspapers were newspapers, editors would have run features comparing the views of those for and against euthanasia. Today, the media is not running any criticism of euthanasia. It seems clear to me that as with the covid hoax, editors and journalists have been bought and told what to write.

9. Never forget: the medical establishment has announced that because of climate change it intends to diagnose fewer patients – and to treat fewer illnesses.

10. In the UK, long waiting lists in Accident and Emergency units result in around 250 deaths a week – as patients sit and die while waiting to be seen. These deaths are a result of the crazy rule which allows GPs to work the same hours as part-time librarians. GPs should be forced to provide 24 hour a day cover for their patients.

11. `There are always two tasks. One is to find the path, the other is to walk the path.’ – Andrew Vachss

12. It was US President Barrack Hussein Obama who opposed the Palestinians joining the International Criminal Court. He did so after war criminal Netanyahu opposed the idea.

13. Doctors introduced heroin when they found that morphine was addictive. They then introduced methadone as a `safe’ alternative when they found that heroin was addictive. And so now addicts use methadone, which is also addictive.

14. Doctors used to believe that everyone’s physical and mental state was governed by the four humours: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Some of today’s doctors aren’t much further advanced.

15. There were no female doctors until Elizabeth Blackwell qualified in 1849.

16. It has been suggested that `vaccine hesitancy’ is a disease which needs to be treated. This is wrong. It is the insane, unscientific devotion to vaccination which is a disease which needs to be treated. The supporters of vaccines and vaccination programmes are ignorant and dangerous people who are devoted to discredited myths and who refuse to debate because they know that the science is not on their side. Joe Biden’s White House wanted to ban my book `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying’ which is packed with evidence about vaccines which the drug industry does not want available. If you want to read the book you can hopefully still buy a copy via the bookshop on

17. `The Palestinians seem to be the likely losers in the New Middle East.’ – `New Yorker’ June 18th 2018.

18. Today, the average thief has a greater chance of becoming rich and of staying out of trouble with the law than the average entrepreneur who is starting a new, honest business.

19. The medical establishment has consistently allowed drug companies to cheat, lie and to suppress inconvenient research results. In my book `The Medicine Men’ I asked how doctors could still describe themselves as members of a profession when they took instructions from an industry. For years now, doctors have been members of a trade, not a profession.

20. The most important discoveries in medicine were serendipitous and owe more to laymen than to doctors and the drug industry. Look, for example, at the history of digitalis, penicillin and X-rays. Read my book `The Story of Medicine’ to find how just how medical care developed over the centuries. `The Story of Medicine’ is available via the bookshop on

Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2024
