Passing Observations 241
Dr Vernon Coleman
1. The six monthly dental check-up is the most commonly performed of all screening measures. And, like most screening processes, it is often unnecessary and probably does more harm than good. More than 40 published papers showed that people who have six monthly check-ups have fewer healthy teeth than people who visit a dentist irregularly (i.e. who go to a dentist when they need to). Those who go for six monthly check-ups have unnecessary fillings (cavities in teeth will often re-mineralise on their own when left alone). Dentists promote six monthly check-ups because it’s an excellent way for them to earn money. If fewer patients had regular, six monthly check-ups there would be no shortage of dentists.
2. Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one.’ – Thomas Paine.
3. Installing smart meters will have soon cost consumers around £13.5 billion. Unfortunately, 3.98 million smart meters aren’t as smart as they should be. Around 37% of the damned things have what are politely called `issues’. (In everyday language I think that means they are bloody useless.) The original plan was to have one in every home by 2020 but you may have noticed that this aim has not been met. The new plan is to get the things in 80% of homes by 2025. Good luck with that.
4. Many wind farm operators are on the fiddle. The result is that domestic energy bills were £100 million higher than they should have been in 2023. When are wind farms going to be abandoned? They’re useless and ugly which means they fail both of William Morris’s requirements.
5. The official cost of benefits payments in the UK will reach £90.9 billion in 2028, and you can probably double that for accuracy. The lockdowns are blamed. They encouraged millions to stay at home and enjoy free money while claiming that they suffer from anxiety, depression or flat feet. Over nine million Britons of working age now spend their days watching television or sitting in the pub. The cost of child payments and disability payments is also soaring.
6. In a fire, most people living in a high-rise building would rather trust the advice of friends than the Fire Rescue Service. So, not everyone is potty.
7. Norway is going to charge those who want to leave the country and move elsewhere. Those leaving will have to pay an exit tax of 37.8% of their wealth. Germany charges it citizens 27% if they want to leave. Anyone thinking of leaving their home country should plan to move quickly for this is clearly a new global tax grab designed to keep us all where we are.
8. The OECD has introduced a global tax rule (in 135 countries). Another step towards the world government we all know is coming soon. Do you remember voting for the OECD? No, no me.
9. I know of no technology on sale which will enable you to remove oestrogen, Valium, fluoride or any other drugs or chemicals from tap water. You cannot remove drug residues from tap water with a filter. If you drink water that comes out of the tap then you are drinking the remains of drugs which someone else took and excreted. The only solution is to drink genuine, natural spring water. As I have been explaining for around 40 years, it is the oestrogen in drinking water which explains falling male fertility rates. (To understand this more, please read my book `Superbody’. You can buy a copy via the bookshop on )
10. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, back in the 1750s, showed how the growth of civilisation corrupted natural goodness and increased inequality among men. He believed that personal ideals should take precedence over the powers of the State and the pressures of society.
11. The average GP now works a 24 hour week. It is true that some GPs work more than 24 hours a week. But it is therefore also true that some work less than 24 hours. Can someone who works less than, say, 20 hours a week be called a professional? Or are they just amateurs or hobbyists? (Incidentally, most of the GPs working very short weeks are women. And many work few hours to keep down their tax bills.)
12. The world is an ugly place for the poor, the sick and the old. But it is particularly ugly if you happen to be poor, sick and old all at the same time. If you are over 60 (whether or not you are also poor and sick) please read my book `The Kick-Ass A-Z for Over 60s’ which is subtitled `The Beginner’s Guide to Older Age’ and is available via the bookshop on
13. The medical establishment has announced that it will spend less time and energy diagnosing illnesses and providing treatment. Why? Because the medical establishment claims to believe that global warming is real and allowing people to die will, they imply, help deal with that imaginary problem. The medical establishment (which appears to consist of people who are both corrupt and insane) is also extending the concept of sickness to include normal levels of anxiety. The plan, of course, is to destroy the global economy as well as to kill more people. The medical establishment supports short working weeks and doctors’ strikes because these also help the move towards the Great Reset. They want us afraid, damaged, broke and broken. You will own nothing and be as miserable as sin.
14. Coffee was discovered by a 9th century Ethiopian goat herder. But the first coffee shop opened in London in 1652 at the Jamaica Wine House – which is apparently still there.
15. Next time you are on a beach at sunset, lie down, and wait for the sun to set. The very second the sun sets, stand up and you’ll see the sunset again. You will then know for sure that the earth is not flat but round. The curvature of the earth enables you to enjoy a double sunset.
16. Immigrants are allowed to pour into the UK and the US to make us think that the world is overcrowded, to impoverish us, to cause mayhem and resentment, to break down society, to create racism, to destroy Christianity and to destroy the structure of our societies. And to provide an excuse for the introduction of ID cards. (Actually, what is described as `immigration’ is more accurately described as an invasion. The so-called immigrants are, on the whole, not people who are fleeing persecution and they are not immigrating because they love the country they are entering. Many of those pouring into England, for example, hate England and the English but are attracted by the prospect of free money. Most of the people supporting the invasion do not pay tax and will not be paying the price. It is very easy to be generous and welcoming when someone else is meeting the bills.
17. Man-made climate change is real but it is not what the conspirators say it is. Man-made climate change is created by using powder to block out the sun’s rays and by seeding the clouds to produce more rain. Man-made climate change will destroy crops, destroy farming and prepare the way for us to live on a diet of locusts and beetles.
18. The top one per cent of the people receive about twenty per cent of the income. Note, please, that I did not use the word `earn’. Governments everywhere will bring in wealth taxes, claiming that they are doing this to rebalance society. But wealth taxes result in governments receiving less money not more. And the really rich never pay wealth taxes. Wealth taxes will destroy the middle classes and the ambitious and the hard working.
19. `Men have knowledge of the present. As for the future, the gods know it, alone and fully enlightened.’ – Constantine Cavafy.
20. There is now more income inequality in China than anywhere else – except perhaps Latin America. China is now more of a capitalist country than Britain, America, Australasia or anywhere in the EU. Amazingly, 80% of China’s industrial output is produced by private companies.
Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2024