Passing Observations 253
Dr Vernon Coleman
1. You have to stand up for what you believe – whatever the cost. If you don’t then what is left?
2. I offer these three facts without comment. King Charles, like his mother, believes in homoeopathy. Homoeopaths are not, generally, enthusiastic about vaccines or vaccination. King Charles, like other members of the royal family, enthusiastically promoted the covid vaccine.
3. `All kings is mostly rapscallions.’ – Mark Twain (who knew a rapscallion when he saw one).
4. Look at the next 100 adverts you see on TV or in magazines and newspapers. Count the number of white and non-white models being used. And then compare that figure with the percentage of white and non-white citizens.
5. Racism is rife in Britain – and, as is often the case these days, it seems to be whites who are the victims. Non-white applicants to the BBC’s journalism training scheme are almost two and a half times more likely to be awarded places than their white counterparts. In Scotland, the Government complained about the number of white people in top positions – ignoring the fact that 96% of the people living there are white.
6. One quarter of prospective Labour voters say that a woman can have a penis. Surely these people should be barred from voting?
7. The planning laws in Britain are incredibly restrictive. If Britain had built houses at the average western European rate between 1955 and 2015, there would be 4.3 million more homes in the country. Those arrogant little twerps in your local planning office are the reason for the shortage of housing.
8. Euthanasia or doctor assisted suicide is being promoted everywhere in the media. It is the topic of the day. Actually, of course, it is part of the depopulation plan and is being used as an alternative to proper health care and a way to get rid of the anxious, the depressed and the poor as well as the elderly and the long term sick. The truth, as always these days, is being suppressed by the mainstream media. Please read Jack King’s book `They want to kill us: Here’s how and why’. You can find it on Amazon. It will astonish and enrage you.
9. A leading figure in the Green Party has admitted that he doesn’t have an electric car. I am impressed. I didn’t realise there were any sensible people in the Green Party.
10. I look at the ground a good deal when I walk these days. Why? Simple. I’m frightened of tripping and falling. How would I get to hospital? How long would I last?
11. When women in public positions are criticised it is often said that the criticism is sexist. When black people in public positions are criticised their critics are accused of racism. So whenever I am criticised it must be ageism.
12. The Government has announced a new policy for dealing with snow next winter. If it snows, all businesses, schools and forms of transport will close. Everyone will go home, close their doors and stay there until the snow melts. Problem solved.
13. Is there anyone working for the mainstream media who has the courage to debate their defence of the covid-19 vaccine? I know that BBC employees are ignorant, treacherous cowards (I do hope the little darlings don’t find this offensive) but maybe there is someone, somewhere who has some bottle and some integrity. Or maybe not.
14. The lead singer of The Four Tops was in hospital. When he told a staff member what he did for a living he was put in a straight-jacket and a psychiatric evaluation was ordered. And then they found out that he really was the lead singer of The Four Tops.
15. If you live in Scotland and need an appointment with a consultant you will receive a letter telling you that you have been put on a list to be put on a list to see a consultant. One in ten people in Scotland is currently waiting to see a doctor. Life expectancy in Scotland is falling. And Scotland has the highest rate of drug deaths in Europe. Scotland has a hate-crime law which encourages people to dob in their neighbours at local dobbing in centres (I’m not kidding). If you feel offended by something you overheard then it is your duty as a citizen to report the conversation. What a mess the SNP has made of Scotland. And now SNP wants to make Scotland an independent nation – free of nasty subsidies from English taxpayers. If I could I would vote for Scotland to become independent.
16. Anyone still providing health advice on YouTube must be approved by Google and the CIA as providing information which the conspirators accept. Please remember this.
17. Street lights are being turned off or dimmed in England to protect Dark Sky areas. Pedestrians who are, as a result, mugged or run over will doubtless be delighted that they have suffered in a good cause. If people want to enjoy a dark sky they should move to the countryside where there is plenty of dark sky to go around.
18. In the 9th century it was decreed that animals could not have souls because they did not have any money to contribute to the church coffers. This remains church policy.
19. Most inhabitants of big cities are poor and so they elect left leaning mayors. It is for this reason that big cities are being destroyed. (I offer London and Paris as examples.)
20. William Cobbett wrote, edited and published `The Weekly Register’. In 1810 he was fined £1,000 and sentenced to prison for two years for publishing an article on flogging in the army. Cobbett offered to close his paper if this would help him evade punishment. But the government decided that they couldn’t let him do that because it would be an infringement of his freedom to write and publish whatever he wanted. So they let him serve his sentence while living with his family in a luxurious apartment in the Governor’s House at Newgate prison. And while he was in prison he was allowed to continue writing, editing and publishing `The Weekly Register’.
21. After playing a little golf in the garden, I left 15 golf balls outside on the lawn. A badger ate them all. The badgers also eat walnuts whole – complete with shell. I now leave out indigestion remedies for them to chew.
22. I wish someone could explain to me the difference between affirmative action and racism. (But since there isn’t any, they can’t.)
23. I wonder if the TV doctors who insisted that the covid-19 vaccine was entirely safe and thoroughly effectively will ever feel ashamed of themselves. (Silly thought, I suppose. I have these odd notions from time to time.)
24. People who believe the absurd myth of climate change and who demonstrate against the use of fossil fuels should be imprisoned for life for stupidity. People daubing paint or soap on national treasures such as Stonehenge should be imprisoned for twice as long. Organisations devoted to opposing fossil fuels should be classified as terrorist or criminal organisations. If we stop burning oil, gas and oil hundreds of millions will die, cold and hungry.
25. All 15 books about the village of Bilbury (in The Young Country Doctor series) are available as paperbacks and eBooks via the bookshop on And all four novels about Mrs Caldicot are also available. Please feel free to buy as many as you like, though no one household may purchase more than a million copies of any one book.
Copyright Vernon Coleman July 2024