Passing Observations 259
Dr Vernon Coleman
1. A friend of mine who is about to celebrate his 80th birthday has just received a letter from the Government telling him that he will receive 0.25 pence a week increase on his pension. Like all `older’ pensioners he will NOT receive the £12,000 a year which politicians and journalists talk about. He will instead be expected to survive on £178.58 a week. That’s the full State pension for UK pensioners who retired before 2016. And just what is anyone expected to buy for another 25 pence a week? Elderly readers who want to know more about how to survive in this upside down, crazy world should read my book `Kick Ass A to Z for Over 60s’. CLICK HERE for details. It’s a lifestyle survival guide for oldies – in a world which are run by people who seem to hate the over 60s.
2. MPs have voted to stop OAPs receiving a small winter fuel allowance. But MPs receive over £3,600 a year each towards THEIR winter fuel bills (on top of their massive salaries). Politicians never fail to surprise me with the extent of their hypocrisy. (The good news, I suppose, is that MPs do not receive a statutory allowance for cleaning out the moats around the castles. They have to claim separately for moat clearing.)
3. In my view, Keir Starmer is the most disgraceful British politician for decades. His extraordinary greed, hypocrisy and apparent inability to understand why people now regard him with such contempt mark him out as unsuitable for any position of power. The same thing goes for the other Labour Party Ministers who have taken money or gifts. If these Ministers were local councillors or chairmen of a minor quango they would surely have been forced to resign ages ago. The fact that ministers in the Labour Government tried to defend the indefensible and nauseatingly greedy Starmer is surely proof of their unsuitability for high office. Once the electors see someone as greedy and grasping the image stays with them indefinitely. I’ll always think of Starmer as someone on the take. What else will he accept – and from whom? We live under the threat of nuclear war – how can we trust any of these people to do the `right thing’? The entire Labour Government should be thrown out and banned from public office. They have shown themselves bereft of compassion, insight, dignity, understanding or common sense. And they have exhibited contempt for decency and honour. I suspect that the now disgraced Starmer was elected only because the British voters were fed up with the greed and incompetence of the Tories. I suspect that many of those who voted for Starmer now regret their error.
4. I bought a coffee in a café with cash (as I always do). It took three teenage assistants to work out how to accept my payment – though, to be fair, they did so with good humour and were clearly fascinated to see a live person paying for something with bits of metal. I tried to explain why cash is important but I don’t think they understood.
5. The NHS now has over 2000 individuals with pensions of over £100,000 a year. The Governments entire pension bill must now be around £1 trillion – which taxpayers will have to find because civil servants haven’t paid enough to cover their pensions. Pensioners who were not civil servants will have to pay for their rich neighbours. Governments have created the two tier society which I warned about in my book `Stuffed!’ ( CLICK HERE to buy a copy)
6. Have you noticed that electric cars sound like someone whining? (Which is, when you think about it, very appropriate.)
7. Fraud makes up 41% of all the crimes in England and Wales. But only 1% of police are tackling it. Thousands of people lose their savings and their homes to fraudsters but the police only seem to be interested in searching through Twitter, hunting for people who’ve said the wrong thing and offended someone.
8. The Labour Government is letting people who committed murder out of prison so make space for people who said stuff they should haven’t have said on social media. That makes no sense to me. It all seems particularly odd when the BBC’s Edwards has a suspended sentence for receiving indecent child images. (I cannot actually see the stuff on social media because I was never allowed to join Facebook, etc. They said I’d be a danger to their community.)
9. Since July drinks bottles have come with their caps attached by stupid little tethers (extra bits of plastic). This insanity comes courtesy of the Fourth Reich (aka the European Union). This is an insane policy because it requires more plastic (which is supposed to be a bad thing) and because it causes hygiene problems (dirty fingers get in the way of whatever is poured from the bottles). The other risk is that people will cut themselves when they slice through the damned tethers with a penknife. I suspect that some people may soon begin to fear that the Fourth Reich will have soon done more harm than the Third Reich. I couldn’t possibly comment on that, of course. (If you think I’m kidding about the EU please read Zina Cohen’s startling book `The Shocking History of the EU’.)
10. The noisy, loathsome and ignorant few who believe the scandalous myth of global warming will no doubt cheer the British Government’s enthusiasm for closing a proposed small coal mine in the North of England. The Government’s clear plan is to murder as many of the poor, the elderly and the sick as they can by pushing up fuel prices. This is an essential part of the march to NET ZERO. Local authorities are making things even worse by arresting innocent souls who wander out to collect bits of fallen kindling on roadside verges. Gathering winter fuel is now illegal, it seems. The crazed authorities want us totally dependent on imported fuels such as gas and wood pellets brought from the USA on huge diesel guzzling ships.CLICK HERE to watch my old video entitled `They plan to starve and freeze us to death’. It was removed by the jackbooted thugs at YouTube, of course. (Did YouTube know what was coming? Or where they just determined to remove everything that contained the truth?). If you want to know more about how Net Zero is going to destroy your life please read Jack King’s excellent bestselling book entitled `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about’. To buy a copy please CLICK HERE
Copyright Vernon Coleman September 2024