Passing Observations 269

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. If your doctor wants you to accept a telephone or online consultation I recommend that you refuse. Attempts to diagnose and treat patients at a distance can be dangerous. If the doctor insists, tell him that if she refuses to see you face to face you will complain about them to their licensing body (in the UK this is the GMC), make a complaint to their employer (in the UK this is usually the NHS), pass your complaint to the press and sue them. Maybe refusing to see a patient face to face should be classified as a hate crime.

2. Just as the net zero nutters are trying to stop us using fossil fuels to produce electricity so the demand for electricity is soaring. Computer data centres use enormous quantities of the stuff. All those stupid and dangerous electric cars eat the stuff by the bucket-load and so do ever popular air conditioning units. What a pity that solar panels won’t work now that the geo-engineers have dimmed the sun. And what a pity that most windmills are useless and, over their lifetime, require more energy than they produce. Of course, modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) would solve the problem. These have been used for nearly 70 years in submarines, ice breakers, etc., and are brilliant and effective. And they don’t rely on the weather. SMRs take up minute amounts of space and are remarkably good value and efficient. So, obviously, we won’t be using them. The global warming nutters would rather chop down all the trees, turn them into wood pellets and burn them to produce electricity.

3. The people who have been jabbed with the toxic covid-19 vaccine resist the truth because if they accept the truth then they must accept that they can no longer trust anything they are told by THEM. Moreover, it means that they were tricked. There are two sorts of truth now: their sort (as shared by the BBC and face checkers) and our sort.

4. I’m not able to sign the petition calling for a new election because I am banned from all social media. There are rumours that the Government has threatened those signing so please put me down as having signed even though I’m not allowed to. (I don’t think anyone in the world is quite as banned as I am.) `Free Suits’ deserves no respect. People have said that he has no policies but it seems to me that he has plenty of policies – to terrify, to confuse, to distract and to destroy. Would it not be possible to have a taller Prime Minister next time, please? These very short ones just haven’t worked out.

5. Modern cars can be fitted with gadgets which will tell the police where you are at any one moment. And the same gadget will enable the police to turn off your engine and immobilise you. And in due course they’ll be able to lock the car doors and take you to the nearest police station. I shall never again buy a new car.

6. As I saunter with quiet inevitability towards the suburbs of middle age it occurs to me that without disappointments we can never enjoy the delight of attainment.

7. It is reported that modern university students find reading books quite beyond them. They can only manage little extracts – preferably made available on their phones. Our civilisation was built on books and now it will surely die

8. An application to open a fish and chip shop in Wales was opposed by the local health board who wanted the chip shop to offer its customers fruit and vegetables. Putting aside the thought that potatoes and peas are vegetables I think the prospective menu could be interesting. `Cod and Parsnip, sir? Or would you prefer Chips and Broccoli?’

9. The chemicals being sprayed in the sky to dim the sun are going to cause an epidemic of allergies such as asthma. (The mainstream media sneers at the idea of geo-engineering. But that’s because journalists just write what they’re told to write and find thinking far too exhausting and downright risky.)

10. It is arguable that if all old people are given the heating allowance then money will be given to millionaires. Many old people are cash-poor and millionaires only because of the value of their homes. If they cannot afford to heat their homes they will die.

11. Anyone daft enough to fancy a career in medicine should consider becoming a physician associate rather than a doctor. The training is much shorter, the pay is excellent and the responsibility much less. And you still get to wear a white coat and dangle a stethoscope around your neck so you still get any kudos which is going.

12. Urban councils in the UK receive over a third more funding per head than rural councils. But rural services are appalling. It’s all part of the plan to force people into hideous cardboard flats in 20 minute cities. Everywhere you look you can see signs of the move towards the Great Reset.

13. Do you ever find yourself worrying how the conspirators will cope as our toxic world deteriorates rapidly? Easy. They’re all buying huge yachts which are equipped with nuclear power plants, solar panels and desalination plants as well as hydroponic laboratories. Any food and diesel required is delivered by service/support vessels. The conspirators also enjoy lives free of all taxes. Their only risk is that their crews (aka servants aka slaves) might mutiny and cut their throats.

14. I’ve been trying to think what jobs the UK’s Ministers might be able to do when they are fired by the electors. `Free Suits’ Scrounger might get a job as an assistant deputy planning officer. Reeves would make a clerk in the council tax collection department. Rayner could get a job as a shop steward in a rag trade factory. And Lammy? Well, I suspect that Lammy might be well suited to a job as third in charge on a recycling van. These thoughts are offered as a serious attempt at career counselling for the individuals concerned.

15. Silliest and most pointless job title seen in 2024: `Sustainability Consultant’. I bet they’re really good at crosswords and computer games because they will doubtless have a lot of free time.

16. Mad lefty luvvies were apparently surprised that Harris lost the US election. I’m surprised she got as many votes as she did. The Labour Party is only in power in the UK because Nigel Farage’s Reform Party split the sensible vote. Oh, and Boris Johnson et al destroyed the credibility of the Tory Party, and the left wing conservatives betrayed their country and misjudged the need and mood of the public. The result was that Britain now has its most dangerous ever Government.

17. I understand that the Labour Party may tear up red tape so that the City can take more risks with common, working people’s pension funds. It seems that the idea is that pension companies will be forced to put punters’ money on Black Beauty in the 3.30 at Haydock Park in the hope that Britons will all be richer than ever and will be happy to pay even more tax. Not even Robert Maxwell, the famous pension fiddler, thought of that though he would have doubtless got round to it eventually. I suspect that `Free Suits’ and Reeves will do more harm to the British economy than Truss and Kwarteng.

18. I only trust individuals and organisations if they have a really nasty, crappy, biased Wikipedia page (assuming they have one). People with laudatory Wikipedia sites are usually part of the conspiracy.

19. Walter Wallkarpet, a Social Credit Consultant,reports that when he was small he was often called `Shagpile’ by other children. He says he still suffers nightmares as a result. He has made a formal complaint to the authorities and is beginning legal proceedings against his former class mates.

20. Between 2015 and 2021 964,197 domestic burglary investigations ended without a suspect being identified though I suspect that the figure should be higher because lots of people probably don’t think it’s worth reporting a proper crime to the police these days.

21. Rachel Carson, who advocated chemical-free food production was vilified for her 1962 book `Silent Spring’. Funny how nothing changes.

22. The Labour Party has attacked the elderly, the farmers and working people. They have damaged the economy. But in the Reeves budget, Labour did not attack lawyers. Rich lawyers were allowed to keep a loophole which allows them to pay minimum amounts of tax. Check out how lawyers benefitted from Limited Liability Partnerships. Why, I wonder, would Starmer, a rich lawyer, be so incredibly generous to rich lawyers. What a mystery.

23. If you still wonder whether global warming might be real consider this: the fans of this unsubstantiated, politically motivated theory refuse to debate. If they had faith in their nonsense they would be desperate to defend it at every opportunity. But they refuse to debate and do their best to ban those who question their nonsense. The same thing happened with the fake covid pandemic and the toxic covid-19 vaccine. Now are you convinced that the global warming nonsense is nonsense? There has never been any debate about global warming. All we have ever had have been sermons promoting an absurd, pseudoscientific, undemocratic religion designed to promote the absurdities known as Economic and Social Governance in order to force us, terrified, cold, hungry and battered into the economic and personal horrors of Net Zero. Please read Jack King’s book `Net Zero Will Destroy You and Everything You Care About’. It’s scary but it’s all true.

24. Life expectation for women has been falling for years as more women took up smoking, drinking and taking stressful jobs. But now life expectation for both sexes will fall because there is no health care in the UK (particularly for the elderly). For more information please read my book `How to live longer’ which is available via the bookshop on

25. `Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.’ Winston Churchill.

26. China regularly practises its techniques for surrounding and capturing Taiwan. It might well be that they consider this to be an opportune moment to put their plan into action. The Chinese will know that America has sent most if not all of its weapons to Ukraine.

Copyright Vernon Coleman November 2024
