Passing Observations 272

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. How odd it is to see so many doctors now bravely criticising the covid-19 vaccine. Where the hell were they in 2020 when it really mattered? It’s easy to speak out now but in 2020 it was really hard, and if all those oh so brave doctors had had the guts to speak out four years ago millions of people would have been saved because they wouldn’t have been jabbed with the toxic rubbish known as the covid-19 vaccine. Please don’t ask me to cheer the doctors who are now popping out of the woodwork worldwide – many of them on mainstream media, YouTube and social media where they seem to be strangely welcome but from which I am still completely, totally and permanently banned for the crime of telling the truth. It’s a bit like Germans popping up in 1952 and saying how awful the Nazis were, after spending the war helping them or looking the other way.

2. There is, I’m told, a popular song around at the moment criticising the UK Government’s withdrawal of the heating allowance for pensioners. It is apparently claimed that the policy will result in 4,000 deaths. I believe it will be a great many more than that. This year around 100,000 old people will die in the UK of the cold. The Labour Government knew damned well that taking away the small heating allowance would kill a lot of old people. But that suits them fine. Starmer’s only discernible policy seems to be to kill as many people as possible. He’s sending bombs to Ukraine and seems to be supporting the genocide in Gaza. (The money spent on bombs and bullets would more than provide pensioners with enough money to live on and keep warm.) And what precisely was the nasty little globe-trotting creep’s role in the overthrow of the regime in Syria? That’s going to end very badly with terrorists now running the country. (The last I heard the Americans had a $10 million bounty on the head of the guy now in charge. This will provide `Free Suits’ Starmer with something of a dilemma. He won’t know whether to have him in for cocktails and pineapple and cheese bits on sticks or arrest him and claim the $10 million. You can buy a lot of suits with $10 million.) And please, please remember that the state pension paid to most British pensioners is £169.50 a week and NOT the higher figure quoted by lying little b’stards in the media and politics. You can’t live on £169.50 a week so the only conclusion is that `Free Suits’ Starmer and Co really want to kill all the old people as part of their WEF approved depopulation plan. The Labour Party should never be forgiven for their betrayal of working people and retired working people.

3. The medical establishment and the drug industry will never admit it but unless or until proved otherwise, autism is brain damage caused by vaccines. The different levels of autism reflect the amount of damage done. Only bought and paid for drug company shills deny this obvious truth. Doctors and journalists will never debate this with me because they know they’ll lose the debate and no one will ever accept vaccination again.

4. All NATO country politicians who support the war in Ukraine should be forced to put on uniforms, pick up a rifle and join the Ukrainian armed forces fighting a losing war.

5. Have you noticed that as part of the global warming scare scam every puff of wind now has a name? Next week we are due to enjoy Breeze Cyril, Breeze Fiona and Draught Beryl.

6. It looks as though `Free Suits’ is going to allow the Elgin Marbles to go to Greece. Labour has already tried to give away the Chagos Islands. What’s next? How long before Northern Ireland is given away with the Isle of Man as an added extra? And the Channel Islands will doubtless soon be offered free to the French. Wales will be chopped off, towed south and given to Monaco which will be grateful for the extra land.

7. Britain left the EU eight years ago but `Free Suits’ Starmer and his pals are planning to give another £20.6 billion to the EU to pay for EU staff and diplomats’ pensions and other fripperies. How long before Britain becomes a slave state to the EU? And this, remember, is the Government which couldn’t afford to help keep old folk alive this winter.

8. Heat pumps are not very good and are very expensive so, not surprisingly, the Labour Government thinks they’re wonderful. Heat pumps are also very noisy and so the Government now allows idiotic homeowners who choose to have them installed to put them right next to their neighbours’ property.

9. Canada has elections in October 2025. If the Canadians don’t throw out Trudeau then the voters should all be certified insane.

10. Why aren’t musical chairs and pass the parcel included in the Olympics? They’d be much more fun than most of the stuff they have now.

11. Everything is going to get worse than you think possible. Read my book `Why everything is going to get worse’ which I wrote in 2004 and which is now available again in paperback.

12. In the summer there isn’t enough wind and windmill blades have to be turned round with electricity to stop them sticking. And in the winter there is too much wind and the windmills have to be turned off so that they don’t take off and all end up in East Anglia. Windmills are probably the best way to waste money ever invented.

13. With the sun being partly hidden by dust sprinkled by geo-engineers, the need for vitamin D supplements is greater than ever. In early 2020 I made a video advising people to take vitamin D supplements to help boost their immune systems. The video was taken down by YouTube within hours. Someone knew didn’t they?

14. I’m still puzzled by my being expelled from LinkedIn. I didn’t really use the damned thing but had somehow accumulated many thousands of `friends’ (or whatever they’re called). And then suddenly, bam, without my doing anything, they wrote and told me that I was persona non grata. I think it was the fact that I was still breathing that annoyed them.

15. The world is full of irony. So, for example, those vast diesel lorries collecting recycling are among the greatest causes of dangerous air pollution in towns and cities.

16. When I was a child I believed global warming was real. Then I grew up.

17. If you’re looking for a thriller to read try my book `Deadline’ – it still scares me and I wrote it. It starts with this bloke in a café in Paris. His wife goes to the loo and doesn’t come back. For more details just CLICK HERE

18. Have you noticed that sportsmen and sportswomen all talk about their `teams’ of agents, managers, coaches, advisors, etc.? People who jump into swimming pools have teams. People who ride bicycles have teams. People who throw spears have teams. Funny thing is that I don’t remember Stanley Mathews and Denis Compton having personal teams. I’ve decided, however, that I want a team. I want someone to sharpen my pencils, do my rubbing out, fill my pen, make a coffee, bring me a biscuit and fetch me a jumper if it’s cold. I also want someone to swear for me and someone to stare moodily into space.

19. So many wonderful things will soon will be lost and gone forever. Kids don’t play marbles any more. Men don’t wear hats and I regret the passing of store cafeterias. Do you remember them? They had acres of plastic tables and a self-service counter staffed by the moodiest people on the planet. They were reliably bad and therefore valued.

20. Doctors who insist on seeing patients only via a computer screen are making it easy for health service providers to replace them with AI doctors. I have been warning for years that there is no future for doctors. Anyone attending medical school would be much better off studying plumbing. Within a decade there won’t be any doctors. Computers and robots will have replaced them all.

21. It has been suggested that we should all take a stroll after dinner for our health. The trouble is that most people (particularly) the elderly dare not go out after dark for fear of being raped, mugged, murdered or harassed to death.

22. I first met Nigel Farage in Telford when I gave a speech at a UKIP conference. (I wasn’t a member but was asked to speak because of my book `England Our England’). Nigel has always been kind about my books but he and the Reform Party need to join up with the Tories if they want power. Actually, I would prefer to see all the political parties shut down. We need a House of Commons full of entirely independent MPs. My book `Bloodless Revolution’ explains how this would change the country for the better. CLICK HERE for details. Political parties everywhere should be abandoned.

23. I’ve been re-reading Sapper’s wonderful novels about Bulldog Drummond and I am more than ever convinced that Captain Drummond would have made a magnificent Foreign Secretary; far superior in intellect, attitude and diplomatic skills to any of the recent incumbents.

24. If it is on YouTube and it concerns health or politics then I believe it is bent and approved by the conspirators.

25. Hospices are going to close in big numbers thanks to the taxation policies of `Free Suits’ et al. Could this possibly be part of the plan to push more folk into accepting Parliaments wicked `death by doctor’ offer?

26. Total immigration figures are now around one million a year (or more, probably much more). And emigration figures are huge. The emigrants are largely hard working, tax-paying citizens with good skills. And so Britain changes and becomes poorer in every way. Within less than a decade, white Anglo-Saxon Christians will probably be an ethnic minority. I’m not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing. But it’s going to happen and the England of 2030 will bear little resemblance to the England of 2020, though it is quite probably illegal to mention this so I won’t.

27. Germany’s special relationship with Israel means that the Germans probably won’t arrest the war criminal Netanyahu if he lands on German soil. My political advisor Abit Bloted, the famous IBS sufferer, suggests that this might be because Germany acquired a taste for genocide during World War II and now feels a sense of brotherly affection for Israel. Nonsense, of course.

28. Please visit the bookshop on and browse through the various categories. Apart from books on health and politics there are books on many other topics. But if you want to enjoy a nice cup of coffee while you browse you will, I’m afraid, have to make it yourself unless you are reading this in 2027 and you have subscribed to our Free Cup of Coffee App.

Copyright Vernon Coleman December 2024
