Passing Observations 273
Dr Vernon Coleman
1. The campaign to introduce legalised suicide into the UK hasn’t taken long before changing the rules. It now looks as if they are planning to alter the way people are allowed to kill themselves before the Bill becomes law. The original bill required suicide applicants to get permission from a High Court Judge. Now judges have realised that this will clog the courts. (Presumably no one thought of this before.) So the judges will probably be replaced by a special panel. Maybe they’ll dig up Dr Harold Shipman and sign him as a consultant. I reckon the change will eventually make it be easier for moody teenagers, the depressed and the just fed up to sign up for death. Advocates of euthanasia (legalised genocide) boasted that involving a judge would protect the innocent, the naïve and the vulnerable. That didn’t last long did it? The funny thing is that the lefties who shriek on behalf of euthanasia are the same people who (rightly) oppose the death penalty. The one big objection to the death penalty is that mistakes are made. And the same thing will happen with euthanasia – but we’ll never know. Suicides who survive are often glad they didn’t succeed. But if the State endorses death by doctor there will be no second chances. There is still time to stop the Parliamentary Bill designed to legalise euthanasia. To find out exactly what is coming please watch my video entitled `They want to kill you. Here’s how they’ll do it.’ You can find the video via the video button on my increasingly suppressed website www.vernoncoleman.com or just Click Here And read Jack King’s magnificent book `They want to kill us’. Share the video with everyone you know – especially your MP.
2. In Babylonia people used to carry sick relatives to the city square where passers-by would ask what was wrong and then share advice. It was a way of pooling knowledge. We should re-introduce this system. It’ll be quicker and more effective than relying on doctors.
3. I’m told that the police in some areas are now taking guns away from those with gun licences. The flimsiest of excuses are used. What have the police been told? When do they start shooting us?
4. Holidaymakers are advised to plant a tree to balance their flights. My personal Sustainability and Diversity Consultant (Professor Walter Wallkarpet who is the presenter of the podcast entitled `Fighting for Sustainability in a Multipolar World’) tells me that `Free Suits’ Starmer and Charles the Hypocrite have been advised that they must each plant 47 million trees.
5. Using my 2G telephone (circa 1995 vintage) I sent my first text the other day. I was very pleased with myself. `What does bwjggh jegh leugh’ mean?’ asked Antoinette who was the lucky recipient of my message. `It was in code,’ I told her. `But how do I decipher the code?’ `I haven’t decided yet.’ I don’t think my experiment in texting was a huge success. I shan’t do it again.
6. The RSPB has stopped selling flat bird feeders on its website as they MAY contribute to the spread of diseases. The result, as anyone with O level ornithology could tell them, will be that birds WILL die of starvation because ground feeding birds will be deprived of the food which would have been placed upon the flat, table feeders. And the rat population will increase as they munch the spillage from hanging feeders. And the extra rats will eat birds’ eggs and fledglings.
7. Farmers in the UK are still making a fuss about the tax changes in the last budget. They say the changes will destroy farming. Farmers still haven’t twigged that they have no place in the new Net Zero world and that destroying farming is the aim not a side effect.
8. ‘In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle; who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.’ – Leon Trotsky (Taken from `Vernon Coleman’s Commonplace Book’).
9. IBS sufferer Abit Bloted, who is both surprisingly sustainable and refreshingly diverse, tells me that new evidence shows that red squirrels do more harm to trees than grey squirrels. The self-styled nature lovers who proselytise about red squirrels are racists.
10. Lloyds Bank is planning to close 10% of its remaining branches. A spokesperson pointed out that a survey has shown that none of its customers uses the branches that are already closed and that it will therefore cause no problems if it closes some more.
11. Apart from the Rockford Files, there hasn’t been anything worth watching on the television since they cancelled Muffin the Mule. All dementia sufferers have at some point in their lives watched television. Maybe the link between the two should be investigated.
12. `The microbe is nothing, the soil is everything.’ – Louis Pasteur
13. Master Trump has been given $25 million by Facebook because he was banned. I’ve written to Master Zuckerburg asking him when I can expect my $25 million. I wonder if I’ll have to pay tax on it.
14. The Labour Government in the UK seems certain to allow millions of immigrants into England in the next five years. Immigrants receive free (heated) hotel accommodation, free meals free money, free clothing, free mobile phones and preferential health care. Meanwhile pensioners in the UK receive a State pension of under £9,000 a year, have had their winter heating allowance stopped and are dying in droves of cold and hunger. A survey of OAPS conducted for this website by Sir Ramick Hobbs showed that 97% were considering leaving the country, renting rubber dinghies and coming back as immigrants. London is now so crowded that residents have to sleep standing up.
15. The European Union was created by Nazis at the end of World War II. For the truth about the EU please read `The Shocking History of the EU’ by Zina Cohen. It will astonish you.
16. Flossing must be one of the most stupid activities known to man – promoted, surely, to help dentists. When most people floss they push food debris down into your gums, creating infections which will need dental care. Brilliant. It is no surprising that dentists advocate the use of flossing. It makes as much sense as a car mechanic recommending to car owners that they put a pound of sugar into their fuel tank at least once a week.
17. A friend of mine only watches the shopping channels on TV. He says he prefers these channels because there are no adverts.
18. Read The Expose website (Click Here to visit the website) to keep up with what’s going on in the world. It’s the best and most comprehensive source of crucial information. And give them money. It costs a small fortune to run a website.
19. Bats are a numerous and as loveable as rats but, bizarrely, they are protected by the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations which is a law we were given by the European Union. It was because of this crazy EU law that £100 million was wasted building a bat tunnel near the wretched HS2 railway. I have spent all my life fighting for animals but this law does far more harm than good. Didn’t we leave the EU? Or have we gone back in without my noticing?
20. Anyone still thinking of buying an electric car should buy and read `Why I will Never Buy an Electric Car’ by Colin M.Barron (Click Here to buy the book). Electric cars were abandoned when they were first invented over a century ago. They should have remained a failed experiment. Read Dr Barron’s book before you waste your money on an electric car. Electric cars are bad for the environment and electric car buyers are selfishly using up valuable electricity needed for heating, lighting and cooking. Those net zero cultists who recommend electric cars clearly hate nature as well as people.
Copyright Vernon Coleman February 2025