Which is Officially More Dangerous: Covid 19 or the Flu?
Dr Vernon Coleman
I have since March 2020, described covid-19 as a disease which can be compared with the flu – but which has been blessed with better marketing. Right from the start I described it as the flu rebranded. It appears that no specific organism has been isolated for covid-19 and what is described as covid-19 has very similar symptoms to the traditional varieties of the flu, and it has been proven to have a similar mortality rate.
These days I get attacked if I stand up, sit down or breathe and so I have, naturally, been widely attacked by everyone with plenty of opinions but no medical training for daring to tell this simple truth.
So, let me put this nonsense to bed once and for all by taking a close look at a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US fairly early on in this hoax.
I think that even the most rabid and rancid pro-vaxxer at the BBC – and at the last count there were 22,000 of them gorging themselves at our expense - will have to accept what the CDC says is the truth – particularly when it has tried to help us identify the differences between the two disorders.
First, let’s look at what the CDC says about signs and symptoms.
Well, with the flu the symptoms are a cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pains, body aches, headache and sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea. The symptoms can be mild. Or they can be more serious. And there are, of course, a whole host of other symptoms which can appear.
And with covid 19?
Well, covid 19 may cause cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, sore throat, runny nose, muscle pains, body aches, headache and sometimes vomiting and diarrhoea. The symptoms can be mild. Or they can be more serious. You can also get a change in loss of taste or smell, though that can happen with the flu too. The mechanisms may be different but the result is the same.
No real difference there, then.
Second, how long do symptoms appear after exposure:
Well, with the flu, two, three or four days can pass between someone becoming infected and experiencing symptoms.
And with covid-19? Well, the symptoms will develop two, three, four or more days after being infected.
So, not a lot of difference there either. And, remember, I’m quoting the CDC in America.
Third, how are these diseases spread?
Well, the flu appears to be contagious for about a week or so after symptoms appearing.
And with covid-19, well a person with this infection could be contagious for ten days.
Fourth, how does the CDC say these infections spread?
Well, the flu is spread between people who are close to each other. The flu is spread by coughing or sneezing or talking. It may be possible to get infected by touching a surface which is infected.
And covid-19? Ah, well covid-19 is spread by coughing, sneezing or talking. And again it may be possible to get infected by touching a surface which is infected.
Again, not a lot of difference there, then.
And this, let us not forget, is a disease with a mortality rate similar to the mortality figures for the flu.
Fifth, what are the complications which can occur with the flu.
The CDC lists pneumonia, respiratory failure, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, cardiac injury, multiple organ failure, worsening of chronic medical conditions, inflammation of heart, brain or muscle tissues and secondary bacterial infections.
And with covid-19? Well, the complications are pretty much the same though the CDC says that covid-19 patients may also develop blood clots but that can happen with flu patients – especially if they stay in bed too long. Both flu and covid-19 can leave patients with residual symptoms, of course: long flu and long covid.
Sixth, which of these illnesses can cause serious diseases?
Well, flu can cause severe illness – particularly in older people, people with certain underlying medical conditions and in pregnant people. They really do say that by the way: pregnant people.
And covid 19 can cause severe illness – particularly in older people, people with certain underlying medical conditions and in pregnant people.
And both infections can cause serious problems in infants and children with underlying medical conditions.
But here there is a difference between the two disorders.
Covid-19 can cause a rare complication called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in school aged children.
But the risk of complications for healthy children is higher for flu compared to covid-19.
I’ll say that again because this is the only really significant difference that the CDC reports.
The risk of complications for healthy children is higher for flu compared to covid-19.
So, it is perhaps not true to say that flu and covid-19 are much the same.
Because, although most people won’t be surprised to learn that the two disorders are pretty well identical in most significant ways, the flu is more dangerous for healthy children than covid-19.
So, there is yet more proof that we shouldn’t have shut down the world for covid-19.
We didn’t shut down the world in 2019 when the flu was much commoner than it is today – and in all those previous years when it was killing up to 650,000 worldwide in a six month flu season.
Indeed, today the flu has pretty well disappeared – possibly because the identical symptoms mean that flu victims are being diagnosed as covid-19 victims.
However, the only safe conclusion from all this solid, scientific evidence from the CDC is that the lockdowns, the social distancing, the hospital department closures, the masks and the vaccines were and are entirely unnecessary.
And gosh.
That’s just what I and a number of others have been saying since February and March 2020.
Maybe they’ll give me a Nobel Prize.
Or give me a job as a Government advisor. No, that’s not possible. I’ve never worked for a drug company or for or with Bill Gates.
So they’ll probably just keep abusing me and lying about me.
Copyright Vernon Coleman March 2021
Vernon Coleman’s book, How to stop your doctor killing you is available as a paperback and an eBook. Just go to www.vernoncoleman.org, click on the books section and you will find a direct link to Amazon.