Oil and Gas Prices are going to continue to soar for years to come
Dr Vernon Coleman
`If the idiotic climate change cultists get their way everything is going to stop working and most of us are going to die, cold and hungry.
Bullied, pushed and conned by insane global warming cultists, governments everywhere are promising to do away with fossil fuels. There is much talk of oil and gas being left in the ground, unused and unwanted.
But fossil fuels satisfy most of our energy supply.
Wind power and solar polar are unreliable and inefficient and they provide only a tiny percentage of our energy needs. Biomass (by far the greatest source of so-called renewable energy) is worse for the environment than coal. All those trees have to be chopped down, cut up, moved around in lorries, loaded onto ships and then transported vast distances before they are burnt to create electricity. Biomass is neither efficient nor environmentally sound.
Other ‘alternative’ fuels are equally useless.
Hydrogen is no more than a joke since it is made using fossil fuels.
Nuclear energy is sound, clean and surprisingly safe but the greens don’t like it, and it takes at least ten years to build a functioning nuclear power plant, so we can discount nuclear power for the near future.
That leaves us dependent for the foreseeable future on oil, gas and (dare I mention it) coal.
The oil and gas industries have been demonised for some years now. Pension funds and investment funds have been bullied by noisy pressure groups, into not investing in them. Banks have been pressured into not lending money to companies exploring for new supplies. Oil and gas companies have been harassed and vilified. As a result exploration for new supplies of oil and gas has slowed dramatically.
In 2014, companies spent $900 billion a year looking for oil and gas. Today they spend around a third of that.
The same thing has happened to coal – even though many countries, particularly China, are busy building new coal fired plants.
Despite all the protests and the pressure groups, our consumption of oil, gas and coal isn’t going down. The world still runs almost entirely on energy derived from fossil fuels. And this isn’t going to change for generations to come, though the oil fields which have supplied us in the past are running out and are not being replaced.
The result is that oil and gas prices are going to continue to soar for years to come. Oh, of course, they will go up and down. But the trend will be upwards.
Oh, and the price of electricity will continue to soar.
Why is electricity going to be more expensive?
That’s simple.
Most of it is produced from fossil fuels or (as is the case with biomass) cannot be obtained, transported and used without fossil fuels.’
Taken from `Social Credit: Nightmare on your street’ by Vernon Coleman – which is now available as a hardcover book, a paperback and an eBook.
Copyright Vernon Coleman September 2022