Alice’s Diary and other Cat Books now in Paperback

Vernon Coleman

Vernon Coleman’s bestselling series of cat books are now being published in paperback – complete with all the cartoon illustrations which made the original hardback editions so popular. Alice’s Diary alone sold over 60,000 hard back copies in its first twelve months. Recently, the hardback went out of print and new copies were selling for over £200.

These attractive, brand new, illustrated paperbacks are now available at the lowest possible price and the series begins with Alice’s Diary, Alice’s Adventures and Alice and Other Friends. All are available at just £4.99 each in the UK (and similarly low prices around the world.)

Alice’s Diary: The Memoirs of a Cat (£4.99) is the autobiography of a six-year-old mixed tabby and was serialised in the Daily Express. Here are just a few quotes from our huge file of reviews:

`A must for cat lovers’ – Woman’s Realm
`Hilariously funny’ – Basildon Echo
`Will entertain and amuse and might help you understand your own puss better’ – East Anglian Daily Times
`Alice’s Diary has already won a big following’ – Belfast Newsletter
`Will delight and amuse’ – Evening Echo
`For pure charm and humour read this diary’ – Bella
`Delightful’ –Doncaster Star
`Will make you chuckle out loud. A treat for cat lovers’ – Wild about Animals
`The small events and great adventures of the year are told with relish.’ – The Lady
`Compulsive reading for cat lovers’ – Smallholder
`Full of hilarious observations’ – Annabel
`If you like cats, you’ll love Alice’s Diary’ – Worcester Evening News.

Also available now are:

Alice’s Adventures: The Further Memoirs of a Cat – £4.99

Alice and Other Friends – £4.99

Click here to purchase a copy of Alice’s Diary in paperback.

Click here to purchase a copy of Alice’s Adventures in paperback.

Click here to purchase a copy of Alice and Other Friends in paperback.

Copyright Vernon Coleman February 2023
