When Oxygen Kills
Dr Vernon Coleman
There is an assumption (widespread among the medical profession as well as the public) that you cannot have too much of some things – such as oxygen. This is nonsense, of course. And too much oxygen can be deadly.
Consider the following paragraph taken from my book `Why and How Doctors kill more people than Cancer’.
My father was in hospital at the time.
`I was allowed to visit because he had suddenly become very ill. When I visited him I found that he was very pink, confused and twitching. When he did wake up he had difficulty in seeing. He was on oxygen and it seemed pretty clear to me that he was getting too much of the stuff and was suffering from oxygen poisoning. These are all classic symptoms of this problem. I asked for the oxygen to be stopped. The oxygen was stopped and the following morning my father was fine.’
The ward was stuffed with doctors and nurses. Why did no one notice? My father would have died if the oxygen had not been stopped.
And sometimes oxygen is deliberately used with terrible results.
Consider this paragraph, taken from my book `The Medicine Men’ (written in 1975):
`Other researchers have deliberately blinded children when studying the effects of oxygen on blindness of new-born children. Clinical observation suggested that newly-born children given high concentrations of oxygen became blind, and to prove this point three separate studies were performed in America in the early 1950s. A total of twenty-seven children were blinded.’
`Why and How Doctors Kill More People than Cancer’ and `The Medicine Men’ are both available from the bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com
Copyright Vernon Coleman May 2024