Wikipedia Ruined My Life
Dr Vernon Coleman
There’s all sorts of rubbish about me on the internet these days, some of it egregiously out of context, some of it just lies and most of it emanating from Wikipedia, Google and the other garbage distributors controlled by the conspirators. Even tradesmen look at Google and Wikipedia, recognise my name and sneer contemptuously when they see me. Bizarrely, some refuse to do essential repair work for anyone labelled `discredited’. If governments want to remove misinformation and disinformation from the internet they should start by closing down Wikipedia.
Someone in Bangkok went through over 5,000 articles I’d written for the national press (around 10 million words altogether) to find something with which Wikipedia could berate me. All they could come up with was an article about AIDS which I wrote when I was The Sun doctor in the 1980s. Unfortunately for them, every word I wrote was absolutely accurate and based on medical journal papers. Everything the medical establishment said is provably wrong.
The big question is why would anyone in Bangkok bother to spend all that time reading through so many of my old newspaper cuttings?
The Wikipedia editors, some of whom are possibly linked to the CIA according to one of the site’s founders, were so miffed that they couldn’t find any errors that they decided to abandon facts and truth and just called me discredited and a conspiracy theorist. They added in the AIDS stuff because they wrongly thought it was a stick with which they could beat me. The really odd thing is that in the 80s I was considered an expert on AIDS. I was invited to make a keynote speech at a major conference on AIDS. And I regularly broadcast about AIDS.
But Wikipedia and Google aren’t much interested in inconvenient truths.
The Wikipedia page in my name was altered after I described the coronavirus scare as a hoax in February and March 2020 and warned that compulsory vaccination would be introduced.
My books (many of them bestsellers) have sold over three million copies in the UK alone and are translated into 26 languages but the titles of my books were removed. Penguin, Pan, Corgi, Arrow and other paper-backers and major publishing houses around the world have published my books. All went. All the TV programmes I’d made were removed. I was the BBC’s agony uncle for two years. But that went. All the national newspaper columns I’d written were removed. The magazines I’d edited were gone. And so on and so on. The UK Government admitted it changed the law about benzodiazepine tranquillisers because of my articles. That’s in Hansard but was not on Wikipedia which is truly a weapon of mass distraction and destruction.
Larry Sanger the co-founder of Wikipedia, who has since denounced the site, reckons that at least one of those involved in removing the truth from my page, and replacing facts with garbage, is linked to the CIA.
That’s bad enough, but I have been approached by a Wikipedia editor offering to remove the lies and replace the truths which were removed if I hand over money. To my mind that rather suggests that Wikipedia is nothing but a protection racket. If I hand over the £500 required, another editor will simply put the garbage back. And then the protection racket will continue indefinitely.
What’s the difference between this racket and the one where a restaurant owner forks over so much a week for his restaurant not to be attacked?
I regard Wikipedia as a powerful force for evil – because of its links to Google it has probably done more to suppress the truth than any other website. The site seems to specialise in demonising anyone who questions the Far Left establishment and the international drug industry. It is worth remembering that most of the people doing stuff for Wikipedia are anonymous amateurs who presumably do what they do to enjoy a sense of power and to feel important and relevant – emotions they never enjoy in their miserable and pathetic real lives. Many entries in what is described as an encyclopaedia are written by teenagers with no qualifications, knowledge or experience.
And some editors, do what they do for ‘protection’ or ‘bribe’ money. ‘Give us money and Wikipedia will say nice things about you.’
Sadly, Wikipedia is still regarded by some as a reference tool – though in my view it long ago became corrupt and entirely untrustworthy. Today the Wikipedia pages are too often written by spies and liars and read only by the naïve and simple-minded. It is worth noting that Wikipedia published a disclaimer on every page (right at the bottom in the sort of small print which tells you that your freezer warranty will expire twenty seconds after you turn on the appliance) which says (in capital letters): ‘WIKIPEDIA MAKES NO GUARANTEE OF VALIDITY’.
Moreover, on the same page, Wikipedia said: ‘None of the contributors, sponsors, administrators, or anyone else connected with Wikipedia in any way whatsoever can be responsible for the appearance of any inaccurate or libellous information or for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages.’
So, in short, Wikipedia can lie about me, destroy my life and walk away whistling. It can do the same to you too.
And Google (which has a deal with Wikipedia which means that it carries Wikipedia’s garbage on its own site) can also walk away whistling.
So, there you are, dear reader. If an 18-year-old Wikipedia editor dislikes you, or picks you out at random, he can describe you as a paedophile and a serial killer and there is nothing you can do about it. Your life will be ruined but you have no recourse.
If there is a more disreputable internet site than Wikipedia I have yet to find it.
(For the record, I haven’t looked at `my’ Wikipedia page since 2020. I am comforted by the knowledge that everyone I respect has a terrible Wikipedia entry whereas the people I loathe seem to have wonderful entries. When I last looked Wikipedia was so desperate to smear me that it reported that in the 1980s the Advertising Standards Authority and the old Press Council both criticised me for reporting that government agencies and medical journals had reported a link between meat and cancer. But I’d also bet good money that it doesn’t mention that both are/were private, voluntary organisations without any legal authority and that I offered both a long list of scientific papers proving that I was right, but that the offer was refused. Both refused to look at the evidence. In both cases the complaints were made by the meat industry. Oh, and the ASA receives its money indirectly via advertisers. And publishers ignore the ASA’s rulings and accept banned advertising. The Press Council has been defunct for well over 30 years. Wikipedia probably also reports that I received two parking tickets in the 1980s. Oh those were my wild and reckless days.)
In addition to re-editing my biography, Wikipedia editors removed a Wikipedia page devoted to my bestselling series of 15 books in The Young Country Doctor series. The books, about the residents of the village of Bilbury, are set in the 1970s and have nothing to do with covid since they were mostly written a decade or two ago. Millions of people have read the books. I’m told editors also removed the Wikipedia page devoted to my series of four books about Mrs Caldicot. I think they eventually left the page devoted to the film of Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War starring Pauline Collins, John Alderton, Peter Capaldi and company – though I understand that attempts were made to remove that. Bizarrely, a Wikipedia editor also described me as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ on that page.
Why would they do any of this?
None of these books had anything to do with covid-19 or covid jabs.
Was it possibly done out of spite? Or just to damage my reputation still further? Or to damage my ability to earn a living?
Who knows.
Incidentally, I’m told that my Wikipedia page was at one point edited by someone called Philip Cross.
This is what Larry Sanger (co-founder of Wikipedia) has to say about Philip Cross.
‘In public discussion of Wikipedia corruption, among the topics that come up are the CIA and other government agencies editing; the ‘Philip Cross’ account which cannot be that of a single person; the ‘Wiki-PR’ company which edited Wikipedia for pay on behalf of many famous and powerful people and companies; and certain of Jimmy Wales’ associates, including Tony Blair and officials in Kazakhstan.’
And here is what Larry Sanger says in his book Essays on Free Knowledge: ‘I believe Wikipedia is thoroughly corrupt – the information in it is carefully massaged through behind-the-scenes control and payoffs.’
Wikipedia has, I believe, single-handedly destroyed the credibility of the internet and degraded the word encyclopaedia.
Larry Sanger has pointed out that the search engine Google helped establish Wikipedia’s ‘undeserved popular perception of credibility’. Google, which Sanger reveals has ‘contributed millions to Wikipedia’, summarises and promotes Wikipedia material as though it were reliable and impartial. Innocent souls who give money to Wikipedia are helping to destroy the truth and sustain a dangerous sham.
Wikipedia is used to destroy the credibility of people whose work might be inconvenient for the conspirators. The brainless and undiscerning who use Wikipedia often believe they are receiving the definitive view on a subject. This is nonsense, of course. Wikipedia is inadequately researched and poorly written by amateurs, many of whom are incompetent, vindictive, ignorant, bigoted, venal and corrupt. Wikipedia is not a tool; it is, rather, a weapon for control, deceit and demonization and for spreading misinformation. Wikipedia is a danger to freedom. If Wikipedia was genuinely interested in providing honest information, the editors of every page would be publicly named and their qualifications listed. They don’t do that because I suspect that the average Wikipedia editor would turn out to be 15-years-old, have an IQ of 97 and possess no qualifications whatsoever.
The anonymity offered by the internet has allowed cowardly bullies to say whatever they like, and tell whatever lies they fancy, without fear of retribution. The internet in general, and social media in particular, were designed for cowards and bullies. Many of those cowards and bullies have now become Wikipedia editors.
Here’s how Wikipedia works.
After I first exposed the covid fraud in February/March 2020, I was described as ‘discredited’ by a solitary Wikipedia editor. There was no evidence whatsoever for this claim.
A small, local newspaper then duly described me as ‘discredited’ because they’d pulled the word off Wikipedia.
And a Wikipedia editor (possibly the one who had created the libel in the first place) then used the local newspaper story as evidence for the claim – putting the newspaper in its list of references.
Just for a little balance, here, below, is a list of quotes which Wikipedia forgot to use. I’ve selected only quotes about me from the UK press to keep the list manageable. These were, of course, published before March 2020 when an anonymous Wikipedia editor decided, with no evidence, that I was `discredited’. Read this list and decide who should be described as `discredited’ – me or Wikipedia.
‘Marvellously succinct, refreshingly sensible.’ – The Spectator
‘The living terror of the British medical establishment. A doctor of science as well as a medical graduate. Dr Coleman is probably one of the most brilliant men alive today. His extensive medical knowledge renders him fearless.’ – Irish Times
‘His future as King of the media docs is assured.’ – The Independent
‘The only three things I always read before the programme are Andrew Rawnsley in the Observer, Peter Hitchens in the Mail and Dr Vernon Coleman in The People. Or, if I’m really up against it, just Vernon Coleman.’ – Eddie Mair, Presenter on BBC’s Radio Four
‘His advice is optimistic and enthusiastic.’ – British Medical Journal
‘Revered guru of medicine.’ – Nursing Times
‘Gentle, kind and caring’ – Western Daily Press
‘His trademark is that he doesn’t mince words. Far funnier than the usual tone of soupy piety you get from his colleagues.’ – The Guardian
‘Dr Coleman is one of our most enlightened, trenchant and sensitive dispensers of medical advice.’ – The Observer
‘Dr Coleman is more illuminating than the proverbial lady with the lamp’ – Company Magazine
‘Britain’s leading health care campaigner.’ – The Sun
‘What he says is true.’ – Punch
‘Perhaps the best known health writer for the general public in the world today.’ – The Therapist
‘Vernon Coleman writes as a general practitioner who has become disquieted by the all-pervasive influence of the pharmaceutical industry in modern medicine…He describes, with a wealth of illustrations, the phenomena of modern iatrogenesis; but he is also concerned about the wider harm which can result from doctors’ and patients’ preoccupation with medication instead of with the prevention of disease. He demonstrates, all the more effectively because he writes in a sober, matter-of-fact style, the immense influence exercised by the drug industry on doctors’ prescribing habits…He writes as a family doctor who is keenly aware of the social dimensions of medical practice. He ends his book with practical suggestions as to how medical care – in the developing countries as well as in the West – can best be freed from this unhealthy pharmaceutical predominance.’ – The Times Literary Supplement
‘What he says of the present is true: and it is the great merit of the book that he says it from the viewpoint of a practising general practitioner, who sees from the inside what is going on, and is appalled by the consequences to the profession, and to the public.’ – Punch
‘Dr Coleman writes with more sense than bias. Required reading for any Minister of Health’ – Daily Express
‘I hope this book becomes a bestseller among doctors, nurses and the wider public…’ – Nursing Times
‘Few would disagree with Dr Coleman that more should be done about prevention.’ – The Lancet
‘This short but very readable book has a message that is timely. Vernon Coleman’s point is that much of the medical research into which money and expertise are poured is useless. At the same time, remedial conditions of mind and body which cause the most distress are largely neglected. This is true.’ – Daily Telegraph
‘If you believe Dr Vernon Coleman, the main beneficiaries of the hundred million pounds worth of research done in this country each year are certainly not the patients. The research benefits mostly the medical place seekers, who use their academic investigations as rungs on the promotional ladder, or drug companies with an eye for the latest market opening…The future may hold bionic superman but all a nation’s physic cannot significantly change the basic mortality statistics except sometimes, to make them worse.’ – The Guardian
‘Dr Coleman produces mountains of evidence to justify his outrageous claims.’ – Edinburgh Evening News
‘Dr Coleman lays about him with an uncompromising verbal scalpel, dipped in vitriol, against all sorts of sacred medical cows.’ – Exeter Express and Echo
‘Vernon Coleman writes brilliant books.’ – The Good Book Guide
‘No thinking person can ignore him. This is why he has been for over 20 years one of the world’s leading advocates on human and animal rights in relation to health. Long may it continue.’ – The Ecologist
‘The calmest voice of reason comes from Dr Vernon Coleman.’ – The Observer
‘A godsend.’ – Daily Telegraph
‘Dr Vernon Coleman has justifiably acquired a reputation for being controversial, iconoclastic and influential.’ – General Practitioner
‘Superstar.’ – Independent on Sunday
‘Brilliant!’ – The People
‘Compulsive reading.’ – The Guardian
‘His message is important.’ – The Economist
‘He’s the Lone Ranger, Robin Hood and the Equalizer rolled into one.’ – Glasgow Evening Times
‘The man is a national treasure.’ – What Doctors Don’t Tell You
‘Vernon Coleman is a leading medical authority.’ – Woman’s Own
‘His book Bodypower is one of the most sensible treatises on personal survival that has ever been published.’ – Yorkshire Evening Post
‘One of the country’s top health experts.’ – Woman’s Journal
‘Dr Coleman is crusading for a more complete awareness of what is good and bad for our bodies. In the course of that he has made many friends and some powerful enemies.’ – Western Morning News
‘Brilliant.’ – The People
‘Dr Vernon Coleman is one of our most enlightened, trenchant and sensible dispensers of medical advice.’ – The Observer
‘The most influential medical writer in Britain. There can be little doubt that Vernon Coleman is the people’s doctor.’ – Devon Life
‘The medical expert you can’t ignore.’ – Sunday Independent
‘A literary genius.’ – HSL Newsletter
‘I would much rather spend an evening in his company than be trapped for five minutes in a radio commentary box with Mr Geoffrey Boycott.’ – Peter Tinniswood, Punch
‘Hard hitting...inimitably forthright.’ – Hull Daily Mail
‘Refreshingly forthright.’ – Liverpool Daily Post
‘Outspoken and alert.’ – Sunday Express
‘The man with a mission.’ – Morning News
‘A good read…very funny and packed with interesting and useful advice.’ –The Big Issue
‘Dr Coleman gains in stature with successive books’ – Coventry Evening Telegraph
‘Dr Coleman made me think again.’ – BBC World Service
‘Britain’s leading medical author.’ – The Star
‘His advice is practical and readable.’ – Northern Echo
‘The layman’s champion.’ –Evening Herald
‘All commonsense and no nonsense.’ – Health Services Management
‘One of Britain’s leading experts.’ – Slimmer Magazine
‘Dr Coleman’s well-coordinated book could not be more timely.’ – Yorkshire Post
‘Well worth reading’ – Times Educational Supplement
‘Dr Vernon Coleman…is not a mine of information – he is a fountain. It pours out of him, mixed with opinions which have an attractive common sense ring about them.’ – Coventry Evening Telegraph
‘When the children have finished playing the games on your Sinclair or Commodore Vic 20 computer, you can turn it to more practical purposes. For what is probably Britain’s first home doctor programme for computers is now available. Dr Vernon Coleman, one of the country’s leading medical authors, has prepared the text for a remarkable series of six cassettes called The Home Doctor Series. Dr Coleman, author of the new book ‘Bodypower’…has turned his attention to computers.’ – The Times 1983
‘The Medicine Men’ by Dr Vernon Coleman, was the subject of a 14 minute ‘commercial’ on the BBC’s Nationwide television programme recently. Industry doctors and general practitioners come in for a severe drubbing: two down and several more to go because the targets for Dr Coleman’s pen are many, varied and, to say the least, surprising. Take the physicians who carry out clinical trials: many of those, claims the author, have sold themselves to the industry and agreed to do research for rewards of one kind or another, whether that reward be a trip abroad, a piece of equipment, a few dinners, a series of published papers or simply money.’ – The Pharmaceutical Journal
‘By the year 200 there will be a holocaust not caused by a plutonium plume but by greed, medical ambition and political opportunism. This is the latest vision of Vernon Coleman, an articulate and prolific medical author…this disturbing book detects diseases in the whole way we deliver health care.’ – Sunday Times
‘…the issues explores he explores are central to the health of the nation.’ – Nursing Times
‘It is not necessary to accept his conclusion to be able to savour his decidedly trenchant comments on today’s medicine…a book to stimulate and to make one argue.’ – British Medical Journal
‘As a writer of medical bestsellers, Dr Vernon Coleman’s aim is to shock us out of our complacency…it’s impossible not to be impressed by some of his arguments.’ – Western Daily Press
‘Controversial and devastating’ – Publishing News
The essay above is adapted from `Truth Teller: The Price’ by Vernon Coleman. To purchase a copy please CLICK HERE
Copyright Vernon Coleman January 2025