It’s all about the oil running out
Dr Vernon Coleman
Hardly anyone noticed, or bothered to report it, but more evidence has appeared to show that the oil is running out.
The boss of Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, says we are already using as much oil as the world can produce. There is very little spare capacity. If the weather gets really cold or the Chinese economy starts to fire on all cylinders then prices will rocket.
Despite the screams of anguish from the global warming nutters (egged on by the conspirators planning a global takeover) the world is going to rely on oil for years to come. Sunshine and wind provide only 5% of our energy – and that 5% relies on the sun shining and the wind blowing.
Even if the self-destructive sanctions preventing us using Russian oil are lifted the price of oil is going to continue to soar and Europe, in particular, is going to be in serious trouble. The British Government, which has an open ended commitment to subsidise heating costs, is facing very serious financial problems. Either the subsidies will have to stop or taxes will need to rise dramatically.
Our modern society is built on the use of fossil fuels in general, and oil in particular. Politicians, journalists and protestors all need to do a little research into the significance of fossil fuels.
It is forgotten that the Industrial Revolution revolved entirely around fossil fuels. It was coal and oil which changed our economy from an agrarian one to an economy dominated by industry and machine manufacture. It was the Industrial Revolution which led to the use of iron and steel, instead of wood, and, eventually, to the introduction of new energy sources such as electricity. It was the Industrial Revolution which led to the invention of new machines (such as the spinning jenny), the development of the factory system and to the development of the steam engine, the telegraph, the internal combustion engine and the jet engine. It was the factory system, a result of the Industrial Revolution, which led to the development of schools (so that there would be somewhere for children to go while their parents worked in the factories, and so that children would grow up accustomed to a day spent working) and terraced housing (so that workers could be accommodated close to the factories where they worked).
The Industrial Revolution resulted in changes in agriculture (tractors instead of horses), political changes (workers, now paying tax, wanting votes) and enormous social changes.
Originally, the Industrial Revolution was largely confined to England, and then the rest of Britain, until 1830 when it spread to France before reaching Germany and, eventually, the USA.
Then, slowly, England's great Revolution has spread to China, India and the rest of Asia.
Everywhere that the Industrial Revolution went it was built upon a supply of fossil fuels.
Coal was the first fossil fuel to change our lives.
Before mankind discovered the benefits of coal our sources of energy were food and wood. Energy depended entirely on stuff we could grow – using our own muscles to do the digging and the sowing.
When men started digging coal out of the ground they started using energy sources that were already in existence – and had been formed generations before. Coal, oil and other fossil fuels are just what the name says: fossil fuels. They are created when ancient bits of matter are steadily crushed by billions of tons of rock. It takes millions of years for fossil fuels to form
Coal was being burnt for heating and cooking in China 4,000 years ago. It was used in mediaeval Europe too, though it didn't overtake wood as a fuel because it had to be mined and transported – both of which required a good deal of effort and energy.
By the early 17th century, English manufacturers producing iron and steel discovered that the higher temperatures possible with coal made it easy to smelt iron and work with metal.
But it was still difficult to get coal out of the ground. The biggest problem was that water tended to accumulate at the bottom of the mine shafts. In 1712, this problem was solved when Samuel Newcomen invented a simple steam engine specifically to pump water out of coal mines. And so, slowly, the industrial age was born out of the rediscovery of coal.
In 1803, an English engineer called Richard Trevithick used the improvements devised by James Watt and installed a steam engine on a carriage, intending it for use on the roads.
Unfortunately, decent roads hadn't yet been invented and the steam carriage wasn't much use until George Stephenson (another Englishman) put the steam locomotive on rails. Not surprisingly, the rails he used were similar to those used in the tramways in coal mines.
Things moved swiftly after that. In the 1790s, an English engineer lit his factory with gaslights. In 1804, gas lighting was installed on the streets of London. By 1840, steam engines were being used on ships. And in 1854, coal-tar dyes were discovered and the chemical industry was born.
In 1800, the annual world coal output was 15 million tons. By 1900, the annual world coal output was 700 million tons and coal had transformed the world. The 19th century was the Coal Age.
From that point on the world's energy would be derived not from renewable resources (human and equine muscle strength) but from a source of energy that, once gone, could not be replaced.
As machines became more widespread during the 19th century so there was a need for oils to lubricate them. Whale oil, animal fats and vegetable oil were all used. Whale oil was also used as a fuel for lamps. (Using so much whale oil meant that whales were hunted almost to extinction.)
Petroleum oil had been used since the 7th century when Byzantine Emperor Constantine IV fixed flame throwers to the prows of his ships and the walls of the city when defending Constantinople. The flames were created using a mixture of naphtha, quicklime and sulphur which was known as `Greek Fire'. However, the only petroleum oil available was the stuff that seeped to the surface of the earth.
The first commercial oil well was drilled in the mid-19th century in America, and from then on oil was used increasingly as a lubricant and as a lamp oil.
Ruthless American oilman Rockefeller used industrial espionage, predatory pricing and a variety of other dirty tricks to take over foreign oil companies and by 1865 had very nearly obtained a worldwide monopoly on petroleum supplies.
By the early 20th century, oil was being used as a fuel for factories, trains and ships and oil burning furnaces were becoming common.
Oil has enormous benefits: it is easy to transport, it's full of energy and it can be refined into a variety of different fuels (diesel, petrol, kerosene) which can be used in many different ways.
Natural gas, often found alongside oil, was also brought into use for street lighting.
And then came electricity.
The first electric generator was invented in London in 1834 though, as with trains, cars and aeroplanes it was first commercialised in America.
Electricity isn't a fossil fuel, of course. It doesn't occur naturally in great seams in the ground. Coal, oil, gas, uranium or some other source of energy have to be converted into electricity – though small quantities can be made from water power and even smaller quantities can be made with wind or sunshine.
But it is the fossil fuels which enable us to obtain electricity cheaply and easily. Most electric cars are, in reality, powered by oil, coal or burning wood. (Electric cars are an impractical distraction – heavily subsidised for now but designed to wean us off personal transport and long journeys.)
The problem with electricity is that as a carrier of energy it is extremely inefficient all along the line – from the initial energy source right through to the final point of use.
When oil was available cheaply wastefulness of electricity didn't matter much.
But it was shown decades ago that we’ve been so reckless in our use of oil that the supply is running out. We’ve reached the point where the supplies are running out. (To draw attention to the fact that the oil is running out, I wrote the first edition of my book `A Bigger Problem than Climate Change’ in 2006).
The problem is that the conspirators need to control the amount we use so that there will be plenty left for their jets and yachts. They also need massive amounts for the military.
And so they have tricked the illiterate and the ignorant into believing that we have to stop using fossil fuels to save the planet.
Now, global warming is being used as an excuse for massive changes in our society – mostly revolving around our using fewer fossil fuels.
(Curiously, the definition of a fossil fuel has been changed for expediency and gas is officially no longer a fossil fuel. And governments have decided that using diesel powered ships and lorries to transport bits of tree half way around the world so that the wood can be burnt to create electricity, counts as a sustainable and renewable source of energy.)
The end of the oil is a primary problem. The threat of global warming has been created, exaggerated and promoted as a way to cut our use of fossil fuels. We have plenty of coal left we are reaching the bottom of the barrel as far as oil is concerned. And the ignorant global warming cultists, set into motion by the conspirators, are now out of control and doing everything they can to exacerbate the situation by preventing the search for more supplies.
The benefits of fossil fuel are extraordinary.
Without fossil fuel it would take five people working continuously to create enough power to keep a 150 watt bulb burning. A motor car uses up the sort of energy that might be produced by 2,000 people. Each American has the equivalent of over 150 `energy slaves' working for us 24 hours each day.
For the last 100 years or so we have had the joy of using a virtually free energy source. All we had to do was take it out of the ground. The energy in a gallon of petrol is approximately the same as the energy expended by a man working hard for a month. Oil, particularly in America, has for a century been ridiculously cheap. If everyone on the planet consumed oil at the rate of the average American we would have probably run out of oil already.
Before oil, a man would need to expend great personal energy to travel thirty miles. With oil such a journey becomes a trivial adventure.
Finding oil – with its latent energy – has been the equivalent of a mass lottery win. Coal is a useful fuel but it isn't anywhere near as versatile as oil. There aren't many things you can do with coal that you can't do with oil but there are a lot of things you can do with oil that you can't do with coal. How many people do you see driving around in coal fired cars? How many coal fired aeroplanes are there?
But instead of using oil to improve our world, and to eradicate poverty and hunger around the world (as we could so easily have done) we have used our find to help us build private aeroplanes, luxury yachts, space rockets, dish washers and petrol driven lawnmowers. We have invented a thousand ways to use up the energy we have. Populations have expanded and governments have grown fat on the taxes they have imposed on the new millions. We have used the planet’s resources as though they were limitless.
And we have ignored the reality of our increasing dependency on a substance that is running out.
We have learned to take the benefits of fossil fuel for granted.
But the fossil fuels won't be around for much longer.
And when the fossil fuels (particularly oil) disappear, the earth will only be able to feed and provide shelter and warmth for a much smaller global population. Farmers will no longer be able to use fertilisers and tractors. Combine harvesters and lorries will stand and rot. Farms will produce what can be cultivated and harvested by the labour of men and horses.
The end result will be that there will be seven billion people living on a planet capable of sustaining one billion people.
And that is the single truth behind the myth of global warming, the terrifying nonsense of net zero, the horror of the Great Reset, the search for the new normal and the much publicised plan to reduce the world’s population by whatever means possible.
The conspirators, the Bilderbergers, know that the oil is running out. They know that without oil there won’t be enough food. They want to keep the oil for themselves, for their yachts and their cars and their tanks and bombers. They want to be sure that they and their families and descendants can continue to be fed.
The end of oil has triggered the war we are now fighting.
This article is based on material taken from the book `A Bigger Problem than Climate Change’ and the book `Endgame’– both by Vernon Coleman and both available from the Books section of
Copyright Vernon Coleman October 2022