How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You

Dr Vernon Coleman

The person most likely to kill you is not a mugger, a burglar, a deranged relative or a drunken driver. The person most likely to kill you is your doctor.

Over thirty years ago I managed to prove that doctors were one of the big three causes of death (alongside cancer and heart disease) and in 1996 I wrote the first edition of a book called How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You in which I explained why doctors kill so many people – and how to get the best out of doctors and hospitals. Many doctors now agree with me – though, as you can imagine, I got into a great deal of trouble at the time.

When the book was first published in China, I was asked to write a special foreword to the book. Here is an extract from that foreword. Sadly, as I will explain at the bottom of this article, the book was subsequently banned by the Chinese Government.

Foreword to the Chinese Edition of ‘How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You’

In Europe and the United States of America, the drug companies now control the medical profession. When my book The Medicine Men was first published in 1975, I described the medical profession as the marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry.

Western doctors may be members of a profession which has a long, proud history but during the last century many doctors in the USA and Europe have sold their soul and their honour to the drug companies.

Drugs can be useful, of course. Used wisely and with caution drugs can, and do, save lives. And the Western trained, twenty first century physician can do a great deal of good.

But what the medical establishment and the international pharmaceutical companies will not tell you is that drugs which can cure can also kill. Drugs can, and do, cause a great deal of harm.

An astonishing one in six patients in American and European hospitals are there because they have been made ill by a doctor. And most of those patients were made ill by drugs.

Iatrogenesis – the name used to describe the phenomenon of doctor-induced illness – is now one of the three biggest causes of illness and death in Europe and the USA. Doctor-induced illness now ranks alongside cancer and heart disease. Every year hundreds of thousands of patients are made ill or even killed by the doctors to whom they entrusted their health. And drugs are responsible for the largest part of this epidemic of doctor-induced death and disease.

Drugs and doctors can do both good and harm.

The secret of survival is to know how to get the best out of both doctors and drugs; to know how to use them to your advantage; and to know where and how to fit them both safely into an effective, long term programme of self-preservation.

And that is what this book, ‘How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You’, is all about.

In the early 20th century I wrote a weekly column for a large circulation Chinese newspaper. After I wrote a column criticising vaccines and vaccination the Chinese Government instructed my book publishers to stop selling my books (I had a number of bestselling books in China at the time). All other Chinese publishers were instructed not to publish any of my books. And, naturally, my column in China was no more. But you can buy a copy of `How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You (either as a paperback or an eBook) via the bookshop on

Copyright Vernon Coleman April 2024
