Covid Inquiry – Misses the Point

Dr Vernon Coleman

The UK’s obscenely expensive Covid Inquiry was critical of just about everyone involved in the Covid Hoax but they missed the point and made a big fundamental error.

The lawyers started with the assumption that there was a pandemic. This was patently false and as stupid as finding a dead body and assuming that there had been a murder.

The Inquiry claimed that 235,000 people had died from covid by the end of 2023. This is an utterly ludicrous exaggeration – built on the fact that everyone who died after a positive PCR test must have died of covid, even if they’d been run over by a bus or clubbed to death by a mugger. (The dangerous PCR test was, of course, laughably unreliable and unsuitable.) The Government’s own figures show that there were no extra deaths until the vaccine started to kill people, and deliberately increased waiting lists meant that patients were dying before being diagnosed or treated.

I repeatedly offered to give evidence to the Inquiry and was repeatedly ignored – as were the thousands who wrote and suggested that the Inquiry allow me to speak. The Inquiry spoke to just about everyone who got everything wrong. But they refused to allow me to speak even though for four years all my predictions, warnings and assessments have been entirely accurate. The media and the corrupt fact checkers tried hard but failed to find any errors in my books, videos and articles about covid and the covid vaccine (though the authorities decided, with no evidence whatsoever, that I was a discredited conspiracy theorist and that I should be banned to protect the public from the truth).

The story of covid is one of fraud and ineptitude. And it seems that the inquiry has continued that theme. I’m not surprised.


Vernon Coleman’s first book about the covid fraud was published in April 2020. The book is called `Coming Apocalypse’ and is available via the bookshop on

Copyright Vernon Coleman July 2024
