Dr Vernon Coleman’s Vaccine Challenge
Dr Vernon Coleman
In the 1660s, the richest doctor in England was a man called Thomas Willis. His most popular prescription was a drink made of the dung of horses, pigeons, cocks and oxen. Patients with jaundice were given a tonic made of sheep and goose dung. He recommended rat droppings as a cure for constipation. Special patients, who could afford the treatment, had dog shit smeared on their chests.
Willis wasn’t the only doctor around with exotic prescriptions to offer. A Dr Cotton believed in putting dead pigeons on the heads of his patients. In 1689 he put a dead pigeon on the head of a woman with convulsions. The pigeon remained in situ for five days, quietly rotting.
Nothing much changes, does it?
Today, thanks to science, doctors no longer tell their patients to drink medicines made from horse shit. Instead they inject their patients with scores of different products which are just as daft, and potentially far more dangerous, as the dead pigeon treatment. The products they inject with such enthusiasm have never been shown to work or to be safe – especially when given, in vast quantities, to babies and small children.
These 21st century dog shit remedies are called vaccines, and doctors are so enthusiastic about them that dissent is not allowed. Indeed, any orthodox trained medical doctor who questions their efficacy or safety is likely to lose his or her licence to practise.
(The funny thing is, however, that in the UK only 27% of health care workers allow themselves to be given the flu jab. The other 73% say `no thanks, I’m not having that toxic rubbish injected into me’. The authorities complain about this but they shouldn’t be surprised. After all health care workers see what happens to the gullible who allow themselves to be jabbed.)
However, it is clear to anyone with functioning brain tissue that to claim that vaccines in general are not linked to autism, brain damage and immune system problems is like arguing that vehicles are not linked to road traffic accidents.
So, for example, the scientific and statistical evidence shows that to claim that the covid-19 vaccine has saved many lives and done more good than harm is absurd and indefensible. (However, the UK’s Covid Inquiry still refuses to allow me to give evidence – evidence which would prove that the whole inquiry is a sham.)
When will any network TV or radio station have the courage to set up a live debate (with me on one side and the entire medical establishment on the other) to assess the value of vaccination? The debate must be live to be fair and national to be significant.
The title of the debate could simply be: `Does vaccination do more harm than good?’
And let the public vote at the end of the debate.
At the end of the debate one side or the other will be permanently discredited.
If I lose I’ll look a fool.
If the pro-vaccination supporters lose then governments, drug companies and doctors will have to apologise and pay out trillions of dollars in compensation. They’ll also have to close down a multi-billion dollar industry.
And so I’m afraid that my challenge will never be accepted.
Governments, drug companies and the medical establishment don’t have the courage to debate because they know they will lose.
And the very absence of any debate proves that vaccination is dangerous and useless.
So, please promote this challenge as widely as you can.
Vernon Coleman’s book `Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: Here’s the proof’ is the world’s bestselling book on vaccines and vaccination. As far as we know it has never been reviewed in any newspaper or magazine although over 600 review copies were sent out. Joe Biden’s White House tried to have the book banned. No one has ever successfully disputed any of the facts the book contains. CLICK HERE to purchase a copy.
Copyright Vernon Coleman January 2025