Why does the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) disapprove of free speech?

Dr Vernon Coleman

We should be free to be wrong, even to appear ridiculous, as long as our thoughts and beliefs do not cause physical or mental harm to those around us.

But we are not free.

Original thought, thinking that outrages or even upsets the establishment is suppressed, oppressed and punished with a vehemence which would have elicited notes of approval from Torquemada, Mussolini and Stalin.

We are now ruled exclusively by people (many of them unelected) who are so ignorant, so ill informed and so relentlessly stupid (and so determined to avoid uncomfortable truths at all costs) that they believe that global warming is real and that the toxic covid vaccine was a Good Thing. Many of them spend their days sitting on committees and attending conferences because they have absolutely nothing useful to do.

The result is that modern truth tellers are punished for daring to share unacceptable truths.

Everything I’ve written or said about covid was accurate. And pretty much everything the mainstream media and the politicians said was wrong. And yet I have been banned, ostracised, persecuted, humiliated, bullied and punished for telling the truth. Publishers refused to print my books or banned them. (This is worse than having your books burned. You cannot burn a book if it hasn’t been printed.)

The frightening thing is that ignorant and dangerous people are convinced that they are right and refuse to debate or to allow any views which do not fit their own.

And the conspirators, billionaires in power, want to suppress the truth.

I wasn’t surprised when Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and social media sites obeyed the CIA and banned me for daring to tell the truth.

But who told the Royal Society of Arts that they should punish and isolate me for truth telling? And why did they listen?

And listen they did for the Royal Society of Arts expelled me for telling the truth!

Here’s what I said about that in my book `Truth Teller: The Price’.

I used to be a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts but, as I mentioned briefly a little earlier in this book, the RSA expelled me without a hearing or a debate or a chance to properly defend myself. They expelled me for daring to tell the truth about covid, for being ‘mugged’ by BBC television and for daring to question the global warming myth.

Everything I said and wrote was factually accurate and, as it becomes ever clearer that everything I predicted is coming to pass, I wonder sometimes if they feel just a little embarrassed.

Even if I had been wrong, what sort of organisation expels one fellow because one or two other fellows don’t agree with something they have said?

My expulsion from the RSA was, at the time, rather a low point. We both thought about death and suicide as the injustices mounted. The endless unjustified abuse made it difficult for me to leave the house or to meet people and made us both seriously depressed.

My wife is the kindest person I’ve ever met. In Paris I once saw her run across to a woman rummaging for food in a rubbish bin. Antoinette didn’t just give the woman some money – she gave her all the money in her purse. All of it. I have known her to do that many times. She doesn’t give coins to beggars or street buskers – she gives them currency notes.

I will never forgive the RSA because their mindless, censorious cruelty helped depress us both. It was, in some ways, a low point.

Antoinette was also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She resigned the day I was expelled.

The lack of debate and fairness has been commonplace throughout the years since early 2020. None of the politicians, journalists, doctors, broadcasters promoting the official line has ever been prepared to debate their beliefs.

That is their strength, because it means that they can say and do whatever they like. But it is also their weakness because it means that anyone who is thoughtful and fair-minded must want to ask the question: why have these subjects never been debated?

I found (and find) the RSA’s attitude surprising.

Intolerance and authoritarianism are typically regarded as fascist traits.

Does the RSA have approved views on gender issues, on Gaza and on twenty minute cities? Does the RSA ban Jews, black people, transsexuals or anyone who voted Reform?

Or is their brand of `fascism’ confined to false predictions and issues relating to drug industry products?

Vernon Coleman’s book `Truth Teller: The Price’ is available through the bookshop on www.vernoncoleman.com To purchase a copy please CLICK HERE

Copyright Vernon Coleman August 2024
