They Want Your Money AND Your Life
Dr Vernon Coleman
It is now abundantly clear that the move towards a digital, cash-free world is accelerating. We are heading into the jaws of the Great Reset at frightening speed.
Make no mistake about it, the conspirators are unlike Highwaymen such as Dick Turpin who always gave their victims a choice. The conspirators want your money AND your life.
They want to control every aspect of life – from the economy to health care. They want to tell you where and how to live and how to heat your home. They want to tell you how and when you can travel – and what sort of vehicle you can use. They want to force you to treat yourself when you’re sick, and if you’re old or frail they want you dead.
There is no aspect of your life that the conspirators (people like Blair, Gates, Rothschild et al) don’t want to control.
And they’re getting very close to their mad dream.
They aren’t in the slightest bit interested in facts or the truth.
Just look at the way that they’re rolling out mRNA based medical products.
The evidence clearly shows that the mRNA covid-19 jabs weren’t tested as much as they should have been (thereby saving their makers vast amounts of money), didn’t do what they were supposed to do, and are causing a global torrent of death and injury (largely blamed on anything and everything else).
But, despite this, drug companies are now busy manufacturing a whole range of new mRNA products – including a variety of new vaccines and drugs for the treatment of cancer. (Britain, by the way, was the first country to sign up for mRNA cancer vaccines.)
Everyone with functioning brain tissue knows that mRNA products don’t work and aren’t safe so the evil drug companies are making more of them!
No one knows anything about the medium or long-term effect of these products.
The failure of the covid-19 jabs does not seem to have slowed down the medical establishment’s enthusiasm for these untested products which will, I fear, soon be offered widely to billions of gullible and trusting people.
(Quick advice: if a doctor prescribes something for you in a year or so’s time ask if it’s an mRNA product.)
This is just one tiny aspect of the way the conspirators are determined to kill billions and control those who are left.
My new book `They want your money and your life’ explains in detail how they’re taking over every aspect of our world – and your life.
`They want your money and your life’ contains the truths you must know about the coming depression, economic war and years of crisis which lie ahead. It’s an in-depth analysis of the economic and social chaos which now faces every nation and every citizen. In the book I explain why energy and food prices are rising, how inflation will affect our lives and how health care is being deliberately altered beyond recognition.
You can purchase a copy of `They Want Your Money and Your Life’ via the bookshops on www.vernoncoleman.com and www.vernoncoleman.org
Copyright Vernon Coleman January 2023
P.S. Now that I’m considered `dangerous’ for speaking the truth about covid, the toxic mRNA jabs and the Great Reset, no one reviews my books any more – so if I don’t tell you about them no-one else will. (Almost unbelievably, magazines and newspapers are even banned from taking advertisements for my books.) Just for fun I’ve put onto my websites a selection of reviews and quotes that pre-dated my demonization. The list is headed `The Truth behind the Lies’. Those who complain about the book plugs on my free articles should know that since I exposed the fake Pandemic at the start of 2020, abuse and suppression mean that my income as an author has fallen by over 80% (and is still falling as my books are suppressed ever more) while the cost of doing research (e.g. buying books, journals, etc.) and running my websites costs more all the time. I have never accepted advertising or charged subscription fees but have always relied on book sales. The web manager thingies tell me that each month the traffic to my websites is around 30 million (not counting the stuff that’s copied and shared) and at the moment less than 1 in every 20,000 people who visits the websites ever buys a book – with royalties as low as 9 pence per book. I have never made a penny from my videos – though lots of other people have. I can’t keep subsidising these websites – which I’ve now been running since the 1980s (when the internet first started). Meanwhile, my very grateful thanks to all those very kind, perspicacious and intelligent folk who have bought one (or more) of my books. My blessings on you all.