How to Tell If Your Doctor is a Drug Company Whore

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA

Doctors have become incredibly greedy.

Many, particularly young doctors who are fully paid up members of the Entitlement Generation, have no sense of vocation or responsibility. They’ve become doctors to make money. If they could make money by being accountants or architects then they would have trained to be accountants or architects.

Here are three ways in which GPs can make huge amounts of extra money by exploiting their patients:

1. By over diagnosing
Doctors receive huge extra fees if they diagnose patients as suffering from particular health problems such as dementia. Be careful not to allow your doctor to label you as suffering from disorders such as COPD. The doctor may fill his wallet with extra cash but you risk carrying a possibly inaccurate label with you for life. And once you are labelled, doctors will want to give you drugs you may not need. The drug companies love this. But the unnecessary drugs may kill you.

2. By vaccinating
Doctors receive massive fees for vaccinating patients. And they get additional huge fees for reaching official vaccination targets. Many doctors ‘push’ vaccines on patients so that they can make more money. It is common for nurses to give the jabs and doctors to pocket the fees. Doctors now routinely target patients with letters advocating vaccination. Some doctors even threaten to withhold essential treatment from patients who refuse vaccination. And yet anyone who claims all vaccines are safe and effective is lying. (There are details on my website of my $1 million dollar challenge to those who advocate vaccination. No one has claimed the money.)

3. By using patients as drug company guinea pigs
Doctors can earn big money by doing ‘trials’ for drug companies. If your doctor gives you drugs that don’t need a prescription – and asks you back to the surgery for frequent check ups – then you are probably being used as a guinea pig for a new drug. You may be happy about this. But your doctor should tell you what is happening. Most don’t. And remember most new drugs are merely commercial variations on existing drugs which work perfectly well. You may be taking health risks for no advantage to you or anyone else.

4. By accepting too many drug company gifts
Look around: if your doctor’s surgery or reception area are littered with promotional pens, mugs and other free gifts then your doctor may be spending too much time with drug company reps – and her or his prescribing habits may have been influenced by the salesperson. Good doctors get their prescribing information from journals and lectures and do not waste time seeing drug company sales reps.

Copyright Vernon Coleman

Vernon Coleman is the author of many bestsellingbooks on medicine including: How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You, Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying and Doctors and Nurses Kill More People than Cancer. These books are available as ebooks on Amazon.

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I’m afraid, however, that you have to pay for those. (But not a lot.)
